New "mallsai" Fukien tea tree


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Indiana (Zone 6a)
I had one of these last fall, but did a little too much root work and ended up killing it. Fortunately it was just a cheap stick in a pot from Amazon with no real potential, at least growing in my climate zone and indoors. I've been wanting to try my hand taking care of one again and picked this up from a local nursery while looking around for a Chinese Elm. I went ahead and repotted this one as the mix it was in had way too much pine bark fines in it and the soil was holding a ton of water.

This has that typical mallsai s-curve to it, but I feel like it has a little bit of potential. I suppose we shall see.


Any comments are welcome, even if you just want to say I'm a fool for getting another one of these. :)
A mallsai fukien was one of my first trees as well. People will say they are finicky which they can be, but mine has been just fine and I've had it for many years.

They like as much sun as possible. Mine likes to dry out between waterings. Beware of bugs.

best of luck with it.
This one has put on a ton of foliage growth since I put it outside and recently started throwing out shoots. Still not sure how I am going to get away from the shitty S mallsai shape. Maybe air layer it next year. I'm curious as to how much backbudding I would get on the bottom if I did air layer the top off. The leaves are small enough to make something small from what would be left of the base.

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