Oh man... I don't want to trash you or your tree, but that doesn't look real healthy! Are you going for the formal upright style with this juniper? If so, you need to get it straighter, if you are going for informal upright, you need a more dramatic curve in the trunk.
Did it look like this when you bought it, or did you style it when you got home?
My concern if that you may have removed too much foliage. Junipers tend to get a little sideways when they get completely fleeced like this. What type of juniper is it?
Again, I am not slamming you, just trying to help...
Out of curiosity, is the wire actually doing anything? It kinda looks like it's just on the branches and not giving any shape to them.
Yeah, I couldn't agree more. That's what I got such a good deal on it... Think it has a chance of surviving? It's a common juniper, exactly like that when I got it.
Yeah, it certainly has a chance of surviving, can you post a picture of the pot/ soil? I think your question about keeping it in full sun is hard to answer without knowing when it was repotted and styled. Regardless though I would probably start in part shade and progressively move it into more sun over a period of weeks to be safe. Even wiring a tree can stress it out a bit, and changing environments can too so you might as well play it safe.