New chizen azalea


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St Augustine fl 32086
Hello everybody. I have had trouble chopping down to trunk with nursery bought azalea. ( it died ) Just purchased this chin zen from nursery in 3 gal pot. I am torn between cleaning it up now and repotting, or light pruning and letting it grow or strengthen for the rest of summer. And if it does flower this summer,what is proper thing to do. I am a newbie but I thought it would be better to use this forum.


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You need to prune away everything that is causing reverse taper. Every equal Y intersection, you need to at least shorten one, to make sure it won't thicken up more.
Every spot where there are 3 or more branches coming from the same point, you need to remove one.
Then you need to find your leader/apex. And then prune any competing potential apex so it is less dominant.

Then you need to ask yourself if this plant can have an exposed trunk line with good taper and good trunk movement.
Or if all you have is a strong trunk base. And you must go for some sumo-style bonsai where you just expose the base of the trumk, and then have an umbrella-ball of leaves and flowers on top.

Depending on your climate and the weather prediction, you may still do a repot. Probably not, though. Ideally you want to remove the bottom 3/2rds of the root ball at some point. So that should be done in late winter. And combined with pruning to only essential foliage, to reduce stress.
Way too late for a repot in Florida. Your temps are high 80s to mid 90s during the day right now.
Wait until winter. Probably sometime between December or January as those are your coldest months
Not sure if Chinzan require a dormancy period. Might be hard to get that where you are. Your coldest temperatures dont seem to get below 45 much.
Assuming if it was sold locally it will be ok
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Repotting a bonsai, repotting a nursery plant (which is kinda uppotting a nursery plant), and repotting a nursery plant to make it into a bonsai are 3 different things.

The first and third, pretty likely can't do in Florida in June. The middle one may be ok if your upcoming weather isn't too hot and dry. Because you aren't removing any roots, except for raking open the root ball if it is pot bound.
A pot bound azalea in a container during a hot summer also is no good. Roots may dry too quickly.
That tree has already flowered this year. My Chinzan up here just started flowering 2 days ago. Temps here are high 59s/low 60s at night and mid 70s to low 80s during the day.

I and others I know in my area that have tried repotting an azalea in the heat after flowering, ended up with a dead tree and it wasnt nearly as warm here than it is in Florida right now.
I strongly advise against repotting in 90+ degree heat. There is less risk leaving it in its current pot right now IMO than messing with the roots at all during temperatures where it will need the most water.

Also Id put that azalea in dappled shade down there, not full sun. They are understory plants
Sorry about your other azalea!

Yep Chinzan will of bloomed long ago.

You ought to simplify the branches as suggested by @Glaucus. In addition seal all cuts as a precaution, to seal wounds and keep from drying.

Would get this product to seal. It has an anti fungal to help prevent issues

@johng might help you with timing of future cutbacks as he’s down south a bit.

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I have a hard time keeping pot bound azaleas watered properly, Because they grew too much leaves for their pot size. Even when it isn't even that hot. I am not saying this one needs it's roots be messed with in mid summer.
But having rootless moist soil in a pot protects an azalea in summer.
Not sure this one is poit bound though. Probably not. and if you take off some major branches, it can actually be pot bound.

Just saying this to differentiate the idea of never repotting an azalea bonsai post flowering with uppotting a nursery azalea.
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….If the Chinzan is given proper post flowering pruning to reduce the foliage, it should do fine until next year.

As mentioned, please keep the tree in the shade.

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