New bonsiaer in Texas

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Hello all,
I'm located in Texas and am new to bonsai. I was looking around and saw tons of awesome bonsai trees. I was especially interested in a cabernet grape tree but read through reviews the ones ordered from corporate online stores died quickly. Not knowing if it was lack of skill or bad trees I started looking around and ended up here. Although I would still love to get my hands on(and keep alive) the grape tree I decided it would be more rewarding, educational and of course more cost effect (if I was to murder a tree) to start from seeds. I have the following seeds on the way. Mini citrus orange, japanese red maple bamboo, cider eucalyptus gum, and japanese blue wisteria vine. I have been keeping various poison dart frogs and exotic terrarium plants for years but have no clue what I'm doing with bonsai. I hope this forum turns out to be the great resource it appears to be. Side note: any plans for this board to go tapatalk?
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