Neem Oil Use Questions

I follow the instructions on the bottle and have sprayed all of my tropical trees with it with no issues at all. It works very well for me at clearing spider mites.

Ficus, Portulacaria, Schefflera and jade all responded well to it.
What time of year?
There is a tree it will harm if I'm not mistaken, or a part of a maybe...


Intense sun/heat (learned from living in FL) even if indirect can cause some damage.

I would only spray at dusk. Then in the morning before sunrise I would hose em down good. Then that day full shade

I had a problem with a trident maple and neem

Junipers, ficus, elm, pomegranate, shefflera, bougies, Rosemary, hibiscus, duranta, ilex, blueberry all good!!!
Do not use on conifers with waxy foliage like spruce and procumbens juniper. Japanese maple seem to be sensitive to all oils when in leaf, but winter application is fine.
I have heard that Junipers foliage is sensitive to oils.

Shimpaku's tend to be weird with anything put on them, I've never had issues using neem on Parsonii, or shore junipers.

Oil usually no good for trees with waxy leaf coat as @Stan Kengai said, however you will find that along with myself there are many others that have used Neem on Juniper with no issues.

I'm not scientist LOL but maybe the concentration and length of time on the foliage are the key?

I have never left neem oil on my trees longer than 12 hours. Also, have never sprayed in the day. I truly feel the ambient temperature has a lot to do with the results of neem.

@Stan Kengai Have you found most maples to be testy with Neem? I only have experience with trident
So is neem safe and effective against spider mites on tropicals such as serissa and dwarf Barbados cherry? I have this spray bottle that’s premixed that you use directly on the trees, haven’t used it yet though. Mites aren’t bad at all yet but that’s why I want them gone now
That's interesting to know. I use that on everything. Once when I bring them out, and before I bring them back in.

The warning does not seem to have substance here. I use the same and never have a lack of pollinators. Wouldn't want them indoors anyways :P We also seem to have never ending armies of Praying Mantis, Lady bugs, Assassin bugs, along with Spiders...

I've used it on serissa in the past with no issues. No experience with barbados cherry

I only use the garden safe premix in the spray bottle, probably same one you have @JoeR I was going to start mixing my own this season.

P.S. I just moved to the Sandhills area a few months ago!

But to be honest I started using bayer 3 in 1 / 12 month concentrate on my trees last year. I didn't need anything else on those trees.

The only ones I didn't use it on was my 2 Rosemary trees ( b/c my wife likes to take the sprigs of over growth and season our chicken with it!)

I had to hit them for powdery mildew and mites every 2 weeks all spring and summer. (this was in a FL climate)

Funny though, within 15 minutes of spraying the rosemary, the entire tree livens up like crazy!!!! all foliage at attention!!!

It looks like your tree loses 25 pounds in minutes!!! :p:p

Pests cause such a struggle on trees it always amazes me how powerful those little F****rs are !!
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