Need help identifying maple

Tony C

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I have seen some rough bark maples before but nothing similar to this one. No apparent grafts. Wondering if I should purchase it for layerings. Thanks!


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The tag says Acer Palmatum and by looking at the branches and the twigs it certainly looks like a japanese maple.
Well, if it isn't tagged with a cultivar name it is just a green Japanese maple. The doesn't mean it isn't nice-looking, but it isn't a cultivar. Who knows? Maybe you have a positive freak genetic abnormality?
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I would, if I had the chance. I'd do my first layer right where there's the little wiggle in the trunk- grow the top of the tree as a layer and use that to get some movement in the new trunk. The bottom will have that sweet bark texture, and you can always layer that in a few years if the roots are total crap below the surface. If you've got the space, I'd go for it.
I would, if I had the chance. I'd do my first layer right where there's the little wiggle in the trunk- grow the top of the tree as a layer and use that to get some movement in the new trunk. The bottom will have that sweet bark texture, and you can always layer that in a few years if the roots are total crap below the surface. If you've got the space, I'd go for it.
I think I will give it a go and try a few layerings to start. Thanks!
Anyone have seen similar bark on some regular green maple before?
yea it could just be a japanese maple seedling that got the rough bark gene. seeds can be highly variable. these are two arakawa seedlings, one with green leaves and the other with tiny red leaves both are the same age and from the same bag of seeds. I wont know if these will have rough bark like arakawa until they are much older. i would say this kind of variability can be common in japanese maples


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Looks like a Japanese Maple to me, couldn't wager to guess if its a cultivar or not without leaves though. New growth color looks right for this time of year as well (I'm going to assume a similar climate because they're wearing gloves?).
Anyone have seen similar bark on some regular green maple before?
Won't be sure if it is a JM until the leaves mature in spring but, given the label I'd be pretty confident.
Bark, leaf, size, shape - everything is up for grabs when Japanese maple is grown from seed. I've grown a lot of seedlings and seen the whole gamut of all different combinations of traits and then some.
A grower who knows what they are about will only label seedlings as JM no, no matter where the seed comes from. Those who don't know or who are unscrupulous will often label seedlings with the parent name or at least those seedlings that show similar traits which is just plain wrong.
Whatever you have is a Japanese maple. If it has been grown from seed and has desirable characteristics you are entitled to give it a new cultivar name. If enough others are happy with the new characteristics it could become accepted as a new cultivar.
For now, just grow it for what it is - your very own Japanese maple.
I have seen this type of bark on several of my shirasawanum crosses. They seem to "bark up" quite young. It's not so much "rough bark" as more of a mature bark on small least in the case of mine.
I have seen this type of bark on several of my shirasawanum crosses. They seem to "bark up" quite young. It's not so much "rough bark" as more of a mature bark on small least in the case of mine.
very good to know thanks !
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