Need bonsai watering tips


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New hampshire
I had some questions on watering my bonsai. When checking to see if soil is dry enough for water where do you stick your finger? Obviously the rim of the soil will dry out faster. I bought a moisture meter and it says my plant is dry until i stick it physically underneath the tree. The soil physically will look dry unless i stick it under the trunk. Probably a silly question but I’m worried about under and over watering. I want to get it right.
It depends on what soil you use.

With a standard APL mix I dig down 1/2”-1” and basically see if the akadama is dark or not. I also use the next days forecast to decide because I work during the day away from home.

I tend to go halfway between the trunk and rim of pot but all my trees “act” a bit different.

In my experience, moisture meters are worthless.
I bought a moisture meter then research water needs for each tree. Just till I get a feel for what's right for each. I won't need it forever.
I stick a qtip in the drainage hole at the bottom and feel how wet it got

LOVE this idea!!!

I have been using chopsticks for some...

Others I physically get a rough “feel” of the weight dry..and wet.. and lift ‘em...

I have a myriad of different soils (especially into the “collections”) so I’ve found no ONE way to be comprehensively BETTER...(For me, personally)

I’ve been forced to construct an amalgam of watering practices. ;)

(REALLY like this q-tip idea, though, and will probably “take it for a spin”)

Im only a couple years in to the hobby myself, but I can tell you I accidentally turned my watering system off for about a half a day yesterday and burned a lot of leaves on a few trees so I say in summertime, if you’re using inorganic, free draining soil, its almost impossible to over water deciduous trees. Err on the side of overwatering if its over 90f.
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