Neagari elm for cosmic design...


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
Well...I've one artist that does bonsai. To make me a floating vessel. Just a nod to this larger scale.

Had to be well...I am Neagari Gal. 😉🙃....

Will be a fun project. Love the floating displays. But feel most trees used are stagnant. A cosmic design is what is needed...and possibly a WWlll robot in there as well. Since Laurent so fondly uses them in his displays.

Laurent is a treasure to humanity!

I had the pleasure of seeing him speak at a club meeting in early Autumn, and I was captivated by his artistic voice and confidence in that. Regardless of how you feel about his style, his passion is to be respected. Glad to see him getting some love!
Fully cosmic ain't my style - I've seen his tree at the trophy and it was too busy for my viewing pleasure - but I do respect the work and the artistry. So much even, that I'm borrowing a bunch of elements of Laurents work.
I believe it's the secret to building amazing deadwood.
Fully cosmic ain't my style - I've seen his tree at the trophy and it was too busy for my viewing pleasure - but I do respect the work and the artistry. So much even, that I'm borrowing a bunch of elements of Laurents work.
I believe it's the secret to building amazing deadwood.
I'll say ... his student's work is less...chaos. I tend to see my nod slightly more in that line of thought. But it will be twisting and scars...but you will still see a canopy shape that if you squint...will have a nod to that triangle canopy. I need that canopy shape to ground me. But it will have some order. I'm OCD... in my head I still need that.

So I understand you.
That's one hell of a pot! I'm commenting to follow this thread, because I have a seiju elm that may be going this route as well.
AWESOME SAUCE! Did you know I just listened to a recent interview with Laurent. He said his favorite species is elm. So we are choosing wisely.

Won't Tim Burton Acer was original planned for it.'s not worth the risk on a technique I know nothing about. I respect that tree to much. That it only got a nod to Cosmic by being wired less traditionally.

Pot...shoot I thought I's by Broken Branch Pottery. It's pretty delicious in and of itself.

Tag me when you get yours going. Would love to see it.
A lot of versatility in elm for sure. The pot alone is already giving otherworldly vibes!

I'm pretty sure I have a picture of the tree somewhere in my backyard projects thread, but it'll probably get it's own thread once it gets repotted next spring. It's on my ever growing spring to-do list 😂
Today...I had fun.

Again you do not need an account to view a direct link to Instagram. You just can't open anything else there.

Species: Elm
Pot: Broken Branch Pottery

Trophy 2023... 🥰 to be exact.

Picked up a three figures from Laurent...thrilled to have them to do staging at a later date with my tree.

Love they come with history behind them.


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I love the pot. You remember I bought an elm very much like this off FB. In fact I have a few contenders and being a potter, I am inspired. You also know I bought the two books. Funny the way these are displayed and viewed as "Cosmic". trees. I get that, and being a huge Sci Fi fan I see that. Since I was a young whipper snapper I have always been intrigued with the ideas of alien landscapes. But I am also intrigued with primeval landscapes which were as bizarre as any alien landscape could be, and I see that here as well. Even from a perspective of visionary artists I respect this Dali- esque work. I am personally leaning toward a primeval landscape. Maybe I was messed up decades ago, because I really do not like action figures, so the figures currently used for the cosmic style are still a big turn off for me. I never much cared for toys when I was a kid and never had them or wanted them. But I have always been intrigued by our pre history and the plethora of diverse ancient life forms. Don't get me wrong, I am not necessarily repelled by the action figures (not a criticism), but in my mind I replace them with creatures from our ancient past or even creatures of the deep or bizarre insects.
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