My first tree (maple)

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Hey im posting in hopes of some tips or future recommendations for my first tree. Its a maple. Ive done lots of research so im not clueless but any info will help! Thanks in advance.20200705_115518.jpg20200705_115505.jpg20200705_115457.jpg
I'm no fan of maples, people know this about me.
But I would chop this one below the first branch. Not sure what the best timing would be though.
It will produce branches below that chop, giving you something to use as a smaller tree.
Letting those new branches run to create taper is an idea worth considering.
I think @Shibui is running a thread on field grown maples. It might be nice to have a look in that thread, there's usefull stuff in there and the documentation is pretty well done!
If it's not Shibui, then it's another member. Again, I don't care much about maples so I read those threads but I don't remember much of the details.
Goblets in the air to signal your acceptance, wanderer. Your weary travels have landed you in the TinyForest... what you feel is simply the intuitive eyes of the Woody Dwarves.

I like the VERY initial movement in this specimen! (I have a stupid Sugar Maple that assumed very similar movement in the wild)

I’m with @Wires_Guy_wires about “takin’ her down” to below that first branch... But we don’t know where your smoke signal is emanating from.. so as was stated, not sure of your timing.

To be extra cautious, if it was my tree.. i actually feel i’d just prune down TO that first branch.. to ensure survival/health... (unless it was eeearly spring.. then.. WAY back)

To alleviate some of these “clerical issues” (haha) You could go ahead and update your profile to reflect a generalized location as to ensure that information given/received is applicable to YOU. (It can be quite vague, mine just says, “NorthEastern Wisconsin.”

Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
I think @Shibui is running a thread on field grown maples. It might be nice to have a look in that thread, there's usefull stuff in there and the documentation is pretty well done!
If it's not Shibui, then it's another member.

THIS is also a very useful tool!
I would take it back to the first branch and I would be very pleased with my decision.
I ould let the branch become the apex and wire a wiggle into it to complement the base. I would wire it late fall.
I agree with the chop.

But I wouldn't do it until absolutely necessary, cuz that peice isn't hurting anything.
After an inch (climate and growth dependant) it'll be harder to close the wound.
That's the necessary point for me.

Welcome to Crazy, yet Reasonable.😉

I only planted it this year in the pot but it only had 2 big roots. I might do the big chop though everyone. But should i wait for next season til the roots really establish?
Goblets in the air to signal your acceptance, wanderer. Your weary travels have landed you in the TinyForest... what you feel is simply the intuitive eyes of the Woody Dwarves.

I like the VERY initial movement in this specimen! (I have a stupid Sugar Maple that assumed very similar movement in the wild)

I’m with @Wires_Guy_wires about “takin’ her down” to below that first branch... But we don’t know where your smoke signal is emanating from.. so as was stated, not sure of your timing.

To be extra cautious, if it was my tree.. i actually feel i’d just prune down TO that first branch.. to ensure survival/health... (unless it was eeearly spring.. then.. WAY back)

To alleviate some of these “clerical issues” (haha) You could go ahead and update your profile to reflect a generalized location as to ensure that information given/received is applicable to YOU. (It can be quite vague, mine just says, “NorthEastern Wisconsin.”

Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
It was growing under a water drain pipe and gave it that bend. But i really loved the shape.
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