I'm-'ma hack, and proud of it... so you won't get ridicule about your wire choice from me. Personally, I'd by far sooner see someone buy an expensive tree with great nebari and little else, than show a tree with great wiring on a developed top, and a poor base.
If you're not too lazy to strip that plastic coating off of the wire, no one would really notice... and as an aside, copper wire is easy to anneal if you have access to good torch of some sort. Unlike steel that hardens when it is heated and doused with water, copper becomes soft and pliable. Heat the bare wire with a torch until it's red hot, then toss it straight into a pocket of water; its that simple... it will harden each time it's bent... so if you have a piece of wire that is just a little too pliable, flex it back and forth a number of times and it will stiffen up... this is due to the molecular structure, and the alignment and re-distribution of the molecules... when you anneal it, it simply changes the molecular structure back to the original state... I could get way more technical, it that would border on bull shit.
I have a totally copper baseball cap with brass rivets that I made from sheet copper a couple of years ago... it's a real conversation piece when I show it off... another odd thing about copper, is that IF you want the coppers to return to it's "like new pinkish state", you soak it in pickeling vinegar for a time... some say that it has to be hot (heated), but I've done it with cold vinegar and it works fine... and no, my hat ain't pink!