My chinese elm


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Greenville south carolina
Found this little guy growing under the parent plant at my work. Figured I would bring it home and see if I can keep it alive. It has already put on about an inch of growth in the month ive had it. Sits about 2 inches tall now. Think it's ready for wire? (Sarcasm haha?

I'm thinking of placing some screen over it to get some early movement in the trunk.

But I have a question about seedlings. Right now I keep it pretty shaded it gets maybe an hour or so of direct sunlight a day. could I start to expose it to a little more sun now?

I assume fertalizer is ok?
It looks healthy, nice job collecting and making it thrive! great practice, and what is good is these guys grow like weeds!!!!

I would let it thicken up more before starting wire.

You can start to give it some fert. Don't go to heavy though.
Well I checked today and found about 5-6 more seedlings popping up. Gonna bring them home so in 20 years I might have something nice haha
It won't take that long.
I would start getting it into sunlight a little more each day. Until it's in it as much as possible.
What's nice about Chinese elms is really the root.

If you get them in a mix that contorts them, you can get trunks with lots of personailty.
Gives the top time to become something.
Good Day

Wanted to show you a catlin from a root cutting but could only find a yatsubusa from a root cutting.
Not a great photo ---- apologies

ulmus ya.jpg
Right now I keep it pretty shaded it gets maybe an hour or so of direct sunlight a day. could I start to expose it to a little more sun now?

I find seedlings grow better in a lot of less direct light. Mine have always done very good until established under a large landscape Japanese Maple that takes full West sun. Anything under it gets a lot of light but it is filtered/dappled.
Don't underestimate how fast these can and will grow in good conditions. I brought up a Weeping Chinese Elm from Alabama Late April and cut off a couple of feet of new growth about a week ago. It is young and even with a small trunk grows FAST. I also brought up a small Winged Elm that grows good but not like that - still not certain how to cut that one, new for me and the bark really throws me off a bit :oops:
We also planted a bare root Chinese Elm shipped up from Georgia the day we after we came home - a bare whip 6 weeks ago 3 foot or so. It is over 4 foot and has budding from the base to the top and staring to branch. Full East and West sun for that one as it was grown that way.

I find seedlings grow better in a lot of less direct light. Mine have always done very good until established under a large landscape Japanese Maple that takes full West sun. Anything under it gets a lot of light but it is filtered/dappled.
Don't underestimate how fast these can and will grow in good conditions. I brought up a Weeping Chinese Elm from Alabama Late April and cut off a couple of feet of new growth about a week ago. It is young and even with a small trunk grows FAST. I also brought up a small Winged Elm that grows good but not like that - still not certain how to cut that one, new for me and the bark really throws me off a bit :oops:
We also planted a bare root Chinese Elm shipped up from Georgia the day we after we came home - a bare whip 6 weeks ago 3 foot or so. It is over 4 foot and has budding from the base to the top and staring to branch. Full East and West sun for that one as it was grown that way.

Just potted up 15 more seedlings I found today. Right now they are shaded until about 3pm then they get direct sunlight till 5pm or so after that they get dappled indirect sunlight filtered through my neighbors live oak. I do have another location that gets direct sun in the morning time but then from about 1pm till sundown it's completely shaded.
If they sprouted in full sunlight then keep them in full sun.
If it didn't I would still be tempted to get it into full sun right away.
I gave the conservative answer first but me personally I would dig it up and plop it down in the middle of the yard the same day.
It's an elm for God's sake.
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