I lucked up and found a really nice Hinoki this week. It was over to the side at the nursery, near the forest and had obviously been there for quite a while. I'm not sure, but I think it is a Wells Hinoki as it had really tight and green foliage throughout even though was pretty much in the shade laying on its side. Long grass was growing from the root ball and I thought it might be rooted to the ground, but it wasn't.
I cut a deal with the owner and brought it home for clean up. The burlap root ball weighed about 100 pounds so I stood it upright in an old tote and just worked on foliage clean up for now. It was so dense I really didn't have a good idea of the branch spread or the taper at the nursery. Turned out it had a very nice nebari 3" under the surface of the root ball and the best taper of any tree I own. It is 41" tall and the trunk is 3 1/2" at the bottom. Below are some photos of before (at the nursery) and after clean up. Next spring I will start reducing the root ball and should have it in a pot in a few years. I will need to develop the limbs on the upper third but that should be relatively easy.