Hi everyone my plant was doing perfect woke up to go check and its really wilted idk what to do
Hard to answer but I will try to help. First of all did it get very cold out last night(if the plant is outdoors). Second, was it really sunny? The reason I ask is it might be that it dried out to much. Azalea do NOT want real wet feet but they do like to stay damp and not dry.
its cactus soil we'll drain the only reason I pull indoors cause it still gets to cold at nite it was doing fine until I started bringing it outwhy do you move it indoors at night? it's above freezing at this time. what kind of soil do you have that planted in? looks like pottimg
soil and very wet.
its cactus soil we'll drain the only reason I pull indoors cause it still gets to cold at nite it was doing fine until I started bringing it out
The Cactus mix should drain well and is the easiest mix to use that they live in. as soon as the nights are 45 or more there leave it out and make sure it gets sun during the day.
It looks to be over potted. Over potted plants have roots surounded by soil that stays too wet. I'd either get it in a smaller pot or you're really going to have to watch the watering
I can change it to a smaller pot that's fine I just don't want it to die would I pot not so deep be best for it?
Looking at the pic, looks like the low humidity indoors weakened your plant a lot. Leave it out! It may drop the leaves and grow new one...IF it is still alive and able.
That or wet feet got the roots and may have rotted already (this is the only reason I would repot this).
Good luck!
Ok we'll I easily took the plant out the pot the leafs are all falling it off but the roots are in good shape no rot knots there very long and like hair nothing clogging roots at all but the roots were very wet
If there is no rot...leave it be. Do the chopstick method and water only when needed. Since the old leaves are falling, nothing you can do about that now so put it in a place that gets full morning sun but have some shade in the afternoon. Leave it there until you expect mid-20s or lower temps.
The new growth should be healthy and well acclimated to that need to keep relocating it.
Good luck!
Most importantly, in my opinion, is that you now let the tree grow and recover. You've done a ton of work on a very small plant in a short amount of time. Hands off for the season now would be my advice.