Ive tried my hand at air layering, two or three times in the past 2 1/2 years of starting this hobby. My heart wasnt really in it when i tried, it was kind of an experiment everytime and of course, for all different reasons they failed. Well this year I found a really nice crepe myrtle with wonderful potential. At the bottom.... AND the top. So I decided to get serious about air layering it. The bottom of the tree/ mother has a great, thick main branch with some taper, movement and even a little ramification. The top of the tree pretty much already looked like a bonsai, with perfect branch placemebt and nice thicknesses to the different branches. I bought it just before winter or maybe even during the winter the beginning of winter, I cant remember. But this spring, I started the air layer with plastic wrap, sphagnum moss and zip ties. Well, after about 8 weeks it worked!! I just seperated the air layer about two or three weeks ago. (I should really keep track of my work) and pplanted it in pure lava and crushed granite. With a little bit of pine bark. Didnt even touch the roots or the moss, stuck it right into a colander gently and then potted it up and watered. Both trees are soing super well and the air layer even tried to.bloom flowers for me but I cut them off.. here is a picture of both trees after separation. Thw first 2 are of the parent tree. The last photo is the layer as it looks today. Any input would be awesome and appreciAted. Im proud of this propagation and that I had the patience and skill to pull it off. Also that I have a good eye for potential material as a beginner.