Mucho rock many roll

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Brabant, Netherlands
Here's some pics of the NY presentation at Deshima Bonsai January the 7th of this year. Apologies for not putting them on the forum directly but maaaan, it's like a bazillion photos!

Anywayz, here are my displays.
Well, three out of the six. The other two stones and my elm haven't been photographed :(
The elm was inside, away from the cold and most people (including the photographer) weren't really feeling stoned that day...

Ugly stand and ugly daiza for an ugly punk: me in the grey sweater, DIY stand and daiza.
The bald dude talking is Fred. That sweet sweet yew we're standing in front of is his.DSC1496-500x500.jpg

I borrowed that stand from Frans, a very generous friend of mine.

Hornbeam with ribes rubrum. The guy wire between the trunks is already gone.

Photographing stones is really hard, but Floris did a really good job. Photos are all his.

Thanks for lookin'!

You all got some really interesting stuff going.

Love the pill bottle display.

That stand from Frans is fabulous!
I appreciate Rocks.....they all have such a wonderful history to tell!
It's a wonderful stand. I'm very glad I could borrow it.


You all got some really interesting stuff going.

Love the pill bottle display.


That's a bottle of dieetpillen (dietpills in English). The azalea is a fatty and Floris, the owner, wanted to pot her down, so she had to ditch some of that sumo figure. Nice display indeed, quite a funny story too I think.
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