MTM Bougainvillea cutting progression thread

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I received three bougainvillea cuttings from the distinguished and much celebrated @Carol 83 back in October of 2022. While looking at them today I decided to do a progression thread on these, since they are so young and early in the development stage. Once again I don't have many pics, but the first one is a month after getting them, and I started on my long journey learning to water bougainvillea.

Just trying to not kill them at this point. It bloomed shortly after I got, but then the overwatering started showing up in the leaves.

bougie Nov 11 2022.jpg

Successful repot into ginormous pots June 28th 2023. You can see I'm still struggling with watering these in some of the leaves.


October 2023 before I brought them indoors for the winter. I have them under lights all winter. Not pictured is me patting myself on the back for not killing them, One years experience under the belt. :)


Over the winter I applied some wire, and tried shaping some of the branches. I took the wire off about a month ago. Fast forward to today and their looking healthy, & leggy

Bougie 1. with the now duct taped pot

Trunk is probably 6-8 times fatter now since getting the cuttings.

Bougie 2. This one is more upright than the other two, crazy leggy, not sure If I should trim back or let it go to help thicken the trunk.


Top down shot.

Bougie 3. Same sort of style going on as number one. I'm trying to put some movement in the branches as much as possible, since I wasn't knowledgeable enough to put movement in the trunks when I got them as wide eyed rookie.


I broke the branch on the far left and it ended up living and growing. Notice the sharp turn.


Please feel free to share any knowledge & experience you have, opinion's good or bad.

As of now I'm just going to let them grow, maybe apply some guy wires to some branches. Wish me luck.
Drunk already?🤪🍻 Glad they're doing well for you. Learning how to water them really is the toughest part of growing them. Luckily, they are pretty forgiving, unless you continuously overwater.
Not yet. :)


Thanks. Should be a fun journey playing with these.
I received three bougainvillea cuttings from the distinguished and much celebrated @Carol 83 back in October of 2022. While looking at them today I decided to do a progression thread on these, since they are so young and early in the development stage. Once again I don't have many pics, but the first one is a month after getting them, and I started on my long journey learning to water bougainvillea.

Just trying to not kill them at this point. It bloomed shortly after I got, but then the overwatering started showing up in the leaves.

View attachment 551034

Successful repot into ginormous pots June 28th 2023. You can see I'm still struggling with watering these in some of the leaves.

View attachment 551036

October 2023 before I brought them indoors for the winter. I have them under lights all winter. Not pictured is me patting myself on the back for not killing them, One years experience under the belt. :)

View attachment 551038

Over the winter I applied some wire, and tried shaping some of the branches. I took the wire off about a month ago. Fast forward to today and their looking healthy, & leggy

Bougie 1. with the now duct taped pot
View attachment 551055

Trunk is probably 6-8 times fatter now since getting the cuttings.
View attachment 551056

Bougie 2. This one is more upright than the other two, crazy leggy, not sure If I should trim back or let it go to help thicken the trunk.

View attachment 551057

Top down shot.
View attachment 551058

Bougie 3. Same sort of style going on as number one. I'm trying to put some movement in the branches as much as possible, since I wasn't knowledgeable enough to put movement in the trunks when I got them as wide eyed rookie.

View attachment 551060

I broke the branch on the far left and it ended up living and growing. Notice the sharp turn.

View attachment 551062

Please feel free to share any knowledge & experience you have, opinion's good or bad.

As of now I'm just going to let them grow, maybe apply some guy wires to some branches. Wish me luck.
This is awesome. Bougainvillea are probably my favorite plant. I actually just got a Pink Pixie or Torch cutting like you have here, mine is still just a stick though. I wanted to graft them so I got about 15 varieties of cuttings and now I have them coming out of my ears lol. I know bougainvillea really like to dry out before watering. I had a hard time getting the watering down too. I use a moisture meter for them now and wait until it reads dry before watering or I wait until I see the leaves start to droop heavily signaling it’s time for more water. Apparently that is a way to get them to bloom as well. Let them get very droopy and stressed, then water deeply and supposedly that creates a survival response to bloom. Not sure if it’s true but I saw it on YouTube so it must be…. 👀 good luck with this one I’ll be interested to see how develops 👍
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