Moth balls?


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Hey guys and gals, is it ok to sprinkle mothballs near my trees (not in the pots) to keep the deer and other animals away? Any other suggestions? Thanks.
Based on recommendations here (and other forums), I set some mothballs out around the perimeter of my barn shelter this winter. No evidence that it had any deterrent effect at all - mice and voles still got into the shelter and did some damage (and got caught in other traps). I don't know if they would repel other animals, such as deer.

Side note, I've also seen people recommend those plug-in, ultrasonic mice repelling devices. I've seen several mice walk right over them as if they were not even there.

For deer, the best thing is simply fencing...or perhaps a dog in the yard.

This Deer Stopper product works well. I buy it at my local hardware store. Just spray it on the plant and the deer leave it be. No odor to human noses.
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Agreed. Does not work as a pest repellent and the old Naphthalene ones are very poisonous and even the newer ones with paradichlorobenzene are still toxic but less so. I worked at the Poison Control Center years ago and we had calls of people dropping mothballs down their walls from the attic to repel mice and such. Does not work and dangerous fumes for everyone to inhale. Especially the naphthalene ones. Not worth it.

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Hey guys and gals, is it ok to sprinkle mothballs near my trees (not in the pots) to keep the deer and other animals away? Any other suggestions? Thanks.

At our old place I used to put a handful into a small canning jar, punch tiny holes in the lid and lay them on their sides on a small paver or 2 by 4. I did that so they would not get wet and ever contact the soil. They are actually illegal in some states as they are toxic. They did work for me on voles although not on field mice or rabbits. I fed the rabbits timothy hay from the bale we get for our tortoise and live trapped the field mice. Had an orchard out back so deer did not bother with the potted stuff. At this place I do not see any problems "yet".

There is a product I get around here called liquid fence. Kind of stinky but it works well and it won't hurt the trees.
Mothballs? There would have to be something easier and less cruel to use! How many poor moths are maimed in the harvesting of this product ?

Mothballs? There would have to be something easier and less cruel to use! How many poor moths are maimed in the harvesting of this product ?


Thanks! Nothing like beer spitting out my nose at the keyboard :p

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