mirai live or bonsai-u?


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i'm from malaysia . Is mirai live better or bonsai-u in terms of knowledge for beginners and which one is worth it . And can the videos be downloaded for future reference and can you have 1 on 1 consultation?
Both have their pros and cons. I can only speak for bonsai-u because Mirai only takes credit cards - that I don't own - and bonsai-u takes paypal and other forms of payment.

Bonsai-u is done by one person and maybe his apprentice, so the video material is limited but it's less artsy-blabla and more "this is how I do xyz, and this is why". I think Bjorn is a solid educator and he knows his methods, but one of the limitations is that you can watch all his videos in about a month (1-2 videos every evening). And new stuff is uploaded regularly but it's not always a new lesson or class. The quality is great.

I remember the live Q and A's that I watched and they were not really worth the time unless you know for sure your question will be answered in it, Bjorn answers 5-10 questions per episode (I think) and it's mostly him sitting behind his computer; he gets more questions than he can answer, so I think he makes a selection. He is however, super responsive to emails! Even if you're not a member. That's why I subscribed in the first place: to help out a guy who is genuinely a good person who likes helping others, even if there's no financial incentive.

I found navigation on the website a bit difficult sometimes though.

All in all I think Bonsai-u is worth the money, but it's hard to stay subscribed after you've seen everything. Maybe I'll get a new subscription this summer, see if there's anything new.

From what I've heard Mirai has double or triple the amount of videos. If you watched the free youtube content you'd probably have a good idea of what to expect. Their forum is pretty active too.
Having had both subscriptions(and currently still subscribed to Mirai) I think that’s a great overview.

One thing I enjoy - I can usually count on a Tuesday live stream which helps break up the bad TV that’s on in my house
Having had both subscriptions(and currently still subscribed to Mirai) I think that’s a great overview.

One thing I enjoy - I can usually count on a Tuesday live stream which helps break up the bad TV that’s on in my house
Based on watching Bjorn’s YouTube content and being a Mirai member. I feel Bjorn is more teaching traditional Japanese design while Ryan teaches more naturalistic, would you agree?
Based on watching Bjorn’s YouTube content and being a Mirai member. I feel Bjorn is more teaching traditional Japanese design while Ryan teaches more naturalistic, would you agree?
I would disagree, this is more tree specific decision and the artistic direction the artist choose to express.

Both have content with classical, traditional, modern, and abstract designs and discussion.
Based on watching Bjorn’s YouTube content and being a Mirai member. I feel Bjorn is more teaching traditional Japanese design while Ryan teaches more naturalistic, would you agree?
I would have to agree based on the majority of the content on both sites, but Ryan still do some traditional style trees... but it is not the norm, while it is Bjorn's main strict, "taolu" based training. I have yet to see a naturalistic looking tree from him. Weird analogy but taking it into Bruce Lee's perspective of Kung Fu... he hated that Kung Fu was too strict and decided to make a "less traditional", "non-classical" or "formless" art. Ryan is doing the same, while Bjorn is doing the traditional/classical style.
I’ve gotten a lot of great info from Mirai, Ryan can come off a bit intense and at times can seem a bit conceited in some of the ways he talks. Although from what I hear that isn’t really the case. That being said in my opinion the quality of trees he creates is phenomenal, and the quality of information given is great.
He does focus on both natural and traditional styles, as he says in the videos and livestreams it depends on the material he’s working with. The subscription also Comes with a large video library, and has a good system for sorting it by technique, species, various design styles etc. really good info and quality explanation behind techniques and timing, I’ve definitely gotten my moneys worth out of the subscription. That’s also not to say bonsai-u isn’t good or possibly a better choice for you. I’d suggest trying out both with a free trial to feel it out before committing.
I would disagree, this is more tree specific decision and the artistic direction the artist choose to express.

Both have content with classical, traditional, modern, and abstract designs and discussion.
I agree with this, he's pretty versatile and can mix it up tree by tree.
I havent seen Bonsai U, but I am a Mirai member. The main reason I chose Mirai was because theres way more content to draw from, and because it’s (mostly) live. Ryan will answer questions from the chat while he works, which is often more educational than the work he’s doing.

I’ll probably sub to both once Bjorn gets more of a library built up.
Both have 1 week free trials available. Try each out for a week and see which teaching style suits you best. I have been subscribed to each of them at various points and have learned from each. Mirai certainly does have a larger library of videos at this time and would be my top recommendation. Neither does 1 on 1 consultation as part of their subscription, but there are some Q&A options. Mirai Live Q&A is for Mirai pro members - I've never done this because I'm not a pro member...but Mirai also has forum for all members, but I feel the Mirai forum is generally not as responsive and helpful as this one...unless maybe asking questions about something in one of Mirai's streams. For Bonsai-U's Q&A, see @Wires_Guy_wires description above.
I like them both but I think Ryan offers much more useful information than Bjorn. The only issue I have with Ryan's videos is that they are so long and Ryan is so verbose that it takes me several sessions to watch one video. I keep falling asleep before the end.
I like them both but I think Ryan offers much more useful information than Bjorn. The only issue I have with Ryan's videos is that they are so long and Ryan is so verbose that it takes me several sessions to watch one video. I keep falling asleep before the end.
I think that is a valid criticism. I like Ryan and I like his content. I learn something with every video. However sometimes I find myself skipping sections because I have time constraints. I wish there was a speed playback option where you could watch the video at an accelerated speed. Then you could slow down when there was a section you didn't understand, or something you wanted to hear a second time.
I think that is a valid criticism. I like Ryan and I like his content. I learn something with every video. However sometimes I find myself skipping sections because I have time constraints. I wish there was a speed playback option where you could watch the video at an accelerated speed. Then you could slow down when there was a section you didn't understand, or something you wanted to hear a second time.
Actually at least for me there is that option, I watch it x1.5 usually.. for other persons x1.25
I like them both but I think Ryan offers much more useful information than Bjorn. The only issue I have with Ryan's videos is that they are so long and Ryan is so verbose that it takes me several sessions to watch one video. I keep falling asleep before the end.
I fell asleep during many of Ryan’s videos as well.

The main reason we went for a Mirai subscription was Ryan doing a lot of repotting vidoes. Not sure if Björn has added any on Bonsai-U
i'm from malaysia . Is mirai live better or bonsai-u in terms of knowledge for beginners and which one is worth it . And can the videos be downloaded for future reference and can you have 1 on 1 consultation?
I'm currently a Mirai Live member and I can say there's so much content available that I can't even begin to scratch the surface of absorbing all of the content. I find myself having to take breaks because I catch myself mimicking Ryan's speech. At work, in a garden center, I keep using the word nuance and it makes me feel like a Bonsai phoney, lol. However, I have been to Eisei-en a couple times and, as many others will attest, Bjorn is not only an undisputed master of his craft but an absolute excellent human being. The first time I met him nhe was in the middle of setting up another video ( tokonoma cleared out, tripod for camera etc ) still he stopped what he was doing to take time and just chat. I steered away from bonsai questions because I didn't want to expose myself by asking something stupid, lol. Anyway to the point, both of them are masters of their craft nnf and have plenty of knowledge that I do not. So I'd say go with whichever one is more digestible for you and you'll be golden. I plan on switching to bonsai-u if I ever tap the endless Mirai catalog. We're planning on another trip to Eisei-en just to see Bjorn again, he's just that great of a guy that I want to go just to hang out with him for a bit.
Mirai member for over 2 years now and I have also watched a few Bonsai-U videos. I have to say Mirai offers much more detailed step by step instructions or guidance while Bonsai-U offers more generalized information. I find myself paying a lot of attention to learn specific techniques from Mirai videos while I can listen to Bonsai-U very carefully. In other word, Mirai is more suited for bonsai geeks or junkies and Bonsai-U is more suited for general hobbyists who mostly want to keep a tree healthy and somewhat good looking simply because they can't commit too much time to the hobby.
When I first joined Mirai Live, I found the videos to be too long and too overwhelming. But lately I started to dedicate some undisrupted time to watch the videos and take notes and I find myself learning new tips in almost every video even though I already watched some more than once.
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