Thanks for all the replies and feedback, I am happy to hear the opinions of others. It is a WIP and so I can see evolution continuing, particularly in relation to ramification. It actually was a little fuller but dried out and went a bit crispy in parts when I neglected to water. That was a couple of months ago so it is on the rebound.
In terms of the branch in question, I have looked at the option to remove it before when reviewing pictures of it, but it stays right now for 4 reasons :
1. It really only becomes totally apparent in photos/2D images, in real life the depth of the composition seems to remove (mask?) the issue somewhat. It is there, just not that obvious.
2. I kind of like the quirkiness of it, some days more than others ... but I've never felt so "against" it that I get out the cutters.
3. It is the main branch which adds foliage in the mid-back area, without it there is a big hole and a lot of the depth would be removed. This could be filled in/replaced, but the tree would become quite 2D while that was hgappening.
4. I'm in no hurry to decide on it, and so in the meantime it is adding thickness/weight and increasing taper in the trunk. Think of it like a manicured sacrifice branch maybe...?
Unfortunately I don't have photos from other angles right now, maybe I'll take some and post at some point, it might help with my explanation above.