A month and a half ago, I ordered a couple of cheap hygrometers from amazon, and I pretty much gave up on them as they were taking forever to arrive. Last night I impulse bought a fancy digital thermometer/hygrometer with my Christmas money (it even has min/max temperature!) and set it up. This morning, it read min 19C, max 24C (66F/75F for the Liberian and Burmese forum members) with 45% humidity. From reading online, and using the search function here, this seems to be okay, although some suggest I may want to shoot for 50-60%.
I got to work this morning, and what had arrived (I get stuff shipped to my work because the post office leaves stuff sitting in the hall of my apartment building) but the two cheapo hygrometers! They will need calibration when I get home, as they currently vary by 2 degrees, and 10% humidity. At least I can track multiple shelves now.
p.s. - Just once I'd like to google something indoor gardening related and NOT have something weed related come up.
I got to work this morning, and what had arrived (I get stuff shipped to my work because the post office leaves stuff sitting in the hall of my apartment building) but the two cheapo hygrometers! They will need calibration when I get home, as they currently vary by 2 degrees, and 10% humidity. At least I can track multiple shelves now.
p.s. - Just once I'd like to google something indoor gardening related and NOT have something weed related come up.