M. Pudica bonsai?


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South Africa
I just saw that a sensitive plant, or Mimosa Pudica can also be bonsai-ed... Might make an interesting little bonsai too!

I have quite a few pudicas I grow in a terrarium and one of them in particular, though just 2 inches high and too young for pruning, might perhaps be a candidate to become a bonsai in a few years.... Although, being new to the hobby and loving plants so much, I dont want to unnessisarilly kill the plant.

can anyone perhaps inform me if it is worth making a m.pudica a bonsai? How does it react to hard pruning and how old can it get before dying?

I will attach a picture of the plant soon as a reply :)
Can produce a 1" woody trunk in the first year of life, how - ground grow.

Can live about 10 to 15 years, might even make 20.

As usual - sacrificial cuttings for testing.

You will have to learn how to grow vigorously. 6 foot long shoots.

Too many flowers also shortens the lifespan.

See if you can get seed of this - Sida Acuta , woody small shrub, interesting flowers.

And Nicodemia diversifolia. Indoor oak. - now under Buddlejia [ spelling ? ]

Above all, it is a learning experience.
Good Day, Good Year.
Anthony ----------- lives where Mimosa pudica is a weed.
Can produce a 1" woody trunk in the first year of life, how - ground grow.

Can live about 10 to 15 years, might even make 20.

As usual - sacrificial cuttings for testing.

You will have to learn how to grow vigorously. 6 foot long shoots.

Too many flowers also shortens the lifespan.

See if you can get seed of this - Sida Acuta , woody small shrub, interesting flowers.

And Nicodemia diversifolia. Indoor oak. - now under Buddlejia [ spelling ? ]

Above all, it is a learning experience.
Good Day, Good Year.
Anthony ----------- lives where Mimosa
pudica is a weed.

Oh wow, Im intrigued... only 20 Years though? Isnt there a way to elongate it's lifespan other than not letting it flower? I know that flowering saps a plant's energy alot by seeing what flowering does to my flytraps, and didn't think it would be that detrimental to a mimosa...

Over here they are pretty rare (Mimosas)... I will also look for the seeds you mentioned :)

Here are the pictures I promised...

IMG_20170103_211113.jpg IMG_20170103_211144.jpg
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Yearly house plant.

Specimens I saw in heated greenhouses were vey poor compared to plants in "Nouvelle Calédonie".

anyway: chance to make it a bonsai = 0.000000000000000000000000000125
There have been attempts -


http://www.lousbonsai.biz/images/products/mimosa sensitive.JPG

A Bahamian type - not sure if it is along the lines of pudica -


Seems that Health was not truly mastered.

Alain, so negative [ said in the voice of Clouseau ]
He can try and I did give others to try alongside, so maybe an under 15 cm [ 6 inch ] specimen ?
Good Day
My brother has offered me some little ones that just popped up in his yard. I figure why not try? Free is a good price.
Why not give it a chance? Flat top acacia style could work for their young subtle trunks.
There have been attempts -


http://www.lousbonsai.biz/images/products/mimosa sensitive.JPG

A Bahamian type - not sure if it is along the lines of pudica -


Seems that Health was not truly mastered.

Alain, so negative [ said in the voice of Clouseau ]
He can try and I did give others to try alongside, so maybe an under 15 cm [ 6 inch ] specimen ?
Good Day

Thats what I am hopig to do with many of my bonsais: Small 6 inch high trees. I like things to be small. I am going to try anyways, It is just the plant's lifespan that worries me. I dont want to spend time on something that will only live 20 years. I want it to live for much longer.

My brother has offered me some little ones that just popped up in his yard. I figure why not try? Free is a good price.

Indeed, There can be no better price :D
Could use as large accent plant or interesting literati;).
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