"Rock, what is you opinion on the Virginiana variety, for bonsai, and hardiness??"
If you have storage facilities, hardiness isn't an issue, however, the main species of quercus Virginiana is not winter hardy that far north without substantial protection. The species I have,q. Virginiana "Fusiformis" (also called Escarpment Live Oak) is a bit more winter hardy. It is the inland form of the species and is native to inland Texas and Oklahoma. I've overwintered it in my backyard for a few winters here in Northern Va. and it did OK. I have, however, overwintered it for the last ten or twelve years in the cold greenhouse at a nearby bonsai nursery, as I don't really trust it in extremely low temps.
As bonsai, q. Virginiana is great. Strong grower, backbuds extremely well and requires little special attention. If you can find one with a substantial trunk, all the better.