Leggy Quince


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Roswell GA
My Japanese quince, Crimson and Gold has gotten leggy with many of the inner leaves dropping. I believe it may not have receive enough water. I travel a bit and have an automatic watering system. None of my other trees appear to be suffering like the quince.

There appear to be many buds on the stems. It has even flowered a couple of times and is starting to again.

I have picked up the watering and some of the stems are putting out green shoots.

Should I cut back the Quince now to 2 or 3 internodes? If I do this I won’t have many leaves.

Or should I just increase the watering and cut back in November? I could even cut back some of the branches now and leave half of the leggy ones. Is it too late in the season? I am in zone 7B.
I'm unfamiliar with quince, but if you post a photo, you may have better feedback, and from someone who might have experience with this species.
For me, I let them grow through the growing season, then I do any pruning before they start pushing growth in the next season.
After I posted, I found a thread by Sergio and his most amazing Red Chojubai. He made a comment that in August these trees often will lose their leaves suddenly and then start pushing out new growth. I am thinking this is what happened to mine.

I will probably do some trimming to get it more compact. They are really beautiful trees.

If you search Red Chojubai and Sergio you will see his tree. Just amazing.

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