Due to being side tracked with other things and at the same time, having too many trees to take care of, some of my malpigghias have gotten out of hand and need to be reined in. The branches had gotten too long with the foliage being out on the ends of the branches and I need to somehow get some growth to pop out on them closer to the trunk. I had cut them back as far as I could while still leaving a leaf or two. I am afraid to cut back to the point of not leaving any green on them for fear that they will not sprout new growth. These are Barbados Cherry trees. They grow like wild fire and need constant triming to remain compact. I confess that I had just been too busy with other things this year and this big, woody, spidery looking thing needs tamed.... There are several, actually.
Any ideas on how to get this tree to pop new growth on old wood? Here in Florida, our growing season is still going full steam ahead.
One of my goals this year is to cut back on the trees I keep. I would rather spend some quality time on a few of my favorites than to be frantically trying to keep up with a bunch of stuff. So I have picked out quite a few things to get rid of . Hopefully, I can avoid this situation in the future...
Any ideas on how to get this tree to pop new growth on old wood? Here in Florida, our growing season is still going full steam ahead.
One of my goals this year is to cut back on the trees I keep. I would rather spend some quality time on a few of my favorites than to be frantically trying to keep up with a bunch of stuff. So I have picked out quite a few things to get rid of . Hopefully, I can avoid this situation in the future...