Large Chickasaw Plum Coming Up on FB Auction

I dug a yard tree from a house being bulldozed here about 35 years ago, it made the transplant successfully as I moved it in January, however I included it in a trade when I was considering moving to the Oneida area of NY, selling off all my Tropicals , my wife passed and I'm staying here in Zone 10. I'm in the process of rebuilding my Collection with top shelf trees. The springtime massive bloom is jaw-dropping! What size Chicksaws do you have? I would be interested in material with decent rootage and some movement on the trunk. I visit my Mom near Port Orange just north of Daytona often. I rescued about 25 Spiraea thunbergia. Thunberg's Meadowsweet, a Eucalyptus relative from south China and south Japan, stunted 25 yr+ three gallon material from my good friend Allen Carver who operated Jupiter Bonsai. It has very rough bark, 1/16" wide by 1" long leaves, I've never seen it other than at Allen"s nursery I have a friend who grows it in Deland, it survrved 20f this past "Winter". I will be a vendor at the Bonsai Societies of Florida Memorial Weekend Convention selling my hand built and thrown stoneware pottery and pre-bonsai
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