Landscape Tree Pruning Bandage


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NE KS (formerly SoCal 10a)
I came across this odd “bandage” on a landscape lime tree pruned by a homeowner. I’m familiar with most stances on not sealing large cuts in full size trees and why we do it on some bonsai. But I’ve never seen this type of bandage and can’t imagine it serves any real purpose. Any thoughts?

Someone works in the ER :)

When I think of sealing a wound I think about two areas. First, the outer margin of the wound is live bark layers, and sealing them will keep them from drying out and may hasten the rate with which they callous over. Second, the inner part of the wound is (in most cases) deadwood. Sealing it does nothing for the tree, per se, but what it may do is keep water and fungi out, preventing the deadwood from rotting.

In this case, the bandage serves neither purpose well.
First, the outer margin of the wound is live bark layers, and sealing them will keep them from drying out and may hasten the rate with which they callous over.
In this case, the bandage serves neither purpose well.
Agreed on all 3 points. Plus the bandage is not airtight and has a huge gap! 🤣😂🤣
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