This is the third stricta that i try, the second i gave away couple years ago and the first one died sadly but shit happens i know they are not the best suitable juniper species for bonsai and you dont see many of them anywhere realy..
still i enjoyed working on the ones i had so i picked up this one in the garden center for 6 euro on christmass tree's clearance to play around with and give it another go
so i took it out of the pot to inspect the roots and to remove a little top soil to see if i see anything like a root base but i now regret doing that because it was planted in some sort of sand type of soil and it was not rootbound enough to hold everything together so most soil instantly fell off the roots when i pulled it out of the pot... all it took was a couple shakes with the tree and all the soil was from the roots.
now this was not planned but since that happened i grabbed a trainings pot and planted it up with my soil mix without pruning or touching the roots except for removing the sandy soil, highly from ideal but ill keep it frost free rest of winter and pray it will survive because after all of that i went on and cleaned out the tree and gave it a first styling !
the tree as i bought it, the typical cone shape, since i already worked on these before i know i was gonna find multiple slim trunks in there that form this cone shape

And i was right after i cleaned out the dead interior growth the multiple trunks apeared like i expected.
next step was looking on what "trunks" to keep and what was obvious to remove:

I kept an uneven number of 5 trunks and with different diameters.

still i enjoyed working on the ones i had so i picked up this one in the garden center for 6 euro on christmass tree's clearance to play around with and give it another go

so i took it out of the pot to inspect the roots and to remove a little top soil to see if i see anything like a root base but i now regret doing that because it was planted in some sort of sand type of soil and it was not rootbound enough to hold everything together so most soil instantly fell off the roots when i pulled it out of the pot... all it took was a couple shakes with the tree and all the soil was from the roots.
now this was not planned but since that happened i grabbed a trainings pot and planted it up with my soil mix without pruning or touching the roots except for removing the sandy soil, highly from ideal but ill keep it frost free rest of winter and pray it will survive because after all of that i went on and cleaned out the tree and gave it a first styling !
the tree as i bought it, the typical cone shape, since i already worked on these before i know i was gonna find multiple slim trunks in there that form this cone shape

And i was right after i cleaned out the dead interior growth the multiple trunks apeared like i expected.
next step was looking on what "trunks" to keep and what was obvious to remove:

I kept an uneven number of 5 trunks and with different diameters.