I got this juniper in August of '22. It was a hot fall so I left it in the pot through the next year. It seemed ok but had browned a bit here and there.
In June of '23 the browning was increasing and after sending a few pics here and there I was told it could be spider mites, it could be this, it could be that, so I decided to cut it back figuring I was going to lose the plant anyway. Here's before the June '23 cut.

After the cut, it looked like this.

Now, fast forward to today, here's what I've got.

The plant is outside and gets a fair amount of sun. It appears to me it really needs repotted as it's been in this pot for two years and when I water it flows right out of the drainage holes. I'm in South Florida so currently highs are in the 70's and lows are in the 60's. Soon our lows will be 80's and it'll be hot.
Am I wasting my time? I thought it was a goner a year and a half ago and it's still putting out new growth. I realize I cut it back too hard last year but as I said, I assumed it was dying anyway. After reading lots of juniper threads here I now realize how important the foliage is.
Also, there is what appears to be a ball of roots at the base. It feels like it would take a chainsaw to cut it. When repotting (or if) should this be addressed or just kept intact?
I've come to terms with the tree not making it as I'm new to juniper but I will do what's necessary if there's a chance.
In June of '23 the browning was increasing and after sending a few pics here and there I was told it could be spider mites, it could be this, it could be that, so I decided to cut it back figuring I was going to lose the plant anyway. Here's before the June '23 cut.

After the cut, it looked like this.

Now, fast forward to today, here's what I've got.

The plant is outside and gets a fair amount of sun. It appears to me it really needs repotted as it's been in this pot for two years and when I water it flows right out of the drainage holes. I'm in South Florida so currently highs are in the 70's and lows are in the 60's. Soon our lows will be 80's and it'll be hot.
Am I wasting my time? I thought it was a goner a year and a half ago and it's still putting out new growth. I realize I cut it back too hard last year but as I said, I assumed it was dying anyway. After reading lots of juniper threads here I now realize how important the foliage is.
Also, there is what appears to be a ball of roots at the base. It feels like it would take a chainsaw to cut it. When repotting (or if) should this be addressed or just kept intact?
I've come to terms with the tree not making it as I'm new to juniper but I will do what's necessary if there's a chance.