Juniper restyled


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The Netherlands, Europe
IMG_0414.JPG hello everyone it's been a while.
I've had the privilege to restyle a tree that was originally styled by Marc Noelanders and belongs to a friend of mine now.
His wife bought it at Marc's a whole lot of years ago, but in the years not much refinement was done on it.
So he asked me to give it a fresh look.
So I started with cleaning the bark. This made the live veins more visible and I decided to add a Shari to give the Lower part of the trunk more movement.
Second thing was the smaller tree on the right lying on the soil. By pulling it up it revealed kind of the same movement as the main trunk and integrated in the overall design.
In the future it will get. Small Shari too so it fits the composition even more.
Because the branches were wired over the years they had all kind of curves so it was easy bringing them closer to the trunk.
I had to rearrange the foliage pads because the previous owner had cut of a major branch in the back and the tree didn't really have depth anymore.
Last thing was giving it a more rounded top to create the image of an old tall tree.

He was happy with it me too and over the years the pads will fill up nicely. With some good maintainance this will become a stunning tree in the future again.

I'm not sure that the second tree, on the right, is necessary any more: bending downward the first branch of the main tree on the right would be my option after removing the second plant...
it was originally planted as a mother and child composition and I wanted to keep that image.
However I do agree a little with it. It did cross my mind, because the small tree on it's own could go fine as a separate tree too.
looking good hope it Will get better maintenance now!

i do like the Mother daughter idea only i dont get it why they didnt pull it up more from the start like you did it looks way better :)

I like the pot too
nice tree, i looks a bit static now, if you give it some more movement it would be better.
i dont think you need that low branch on the left.
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