Juniper Present


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Coastal S.C.
This was a wedding present from my cousin. I dare say that is is ready for some styling or major reworking in order to address the inverse taper it has going on. I am accepting any ideas for how to proceed. Cascade with the base and air layer the top? Any idea what variety it is? It was purchased near Panama City Fl. Am I safe digging it in outside come winter time? It does seem healthy.

It's a juniper procumbens 'nana' and looks pretty healthy. you could do some thinning out, removing branches unnecessary to your vision of the tree's future up to the about the 1/3 of total foliage mark. Many go farther but it severely weakens the tree to hammer the foliage too hard.
Find an attractive stone and bend the tree over it so you hide that bulging bend.
Over rock or around rock is a good idea that I'll keep in mind. Today I decided to remove some branches to see what I was working with. I is pretty much what I expected.. Lots of options but nothing outstanding and obvious. I like the first bend but then it is way too long and straight until the next interesting branch. I am not ruling out the possibility of going shohin and doing some dremel work to get rid of the inverse taper. Or I could try a significant bend of the straight trunk to try and match the design with the twisty branch. Both operations are not quite in my skill level, but that is part of the fun. For now I let it rest until spring and likely repot then. I don't think I insulted him too much yet.image.jpgimage.jpg
So much for letting it rest until spring. As a disclaimer Colin Lewis recommended that I did not proceed and get some better material. But he did give me a plan and I got some wiring ginning practice out of it.

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