Juniper drying out - any hope?

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I have a Brussels green mound juniper, I've had for about a month. (I checked - Amazon delivered on May 24) I've been watering and trying to care for it... It spent the first few days inside, and my backyard has more shade than sun. I water at least once a day - usually more, between misting from a bottle or from the hose or watering can. But it's browning from the inside out. I'm VERY new to bonsai, aside from a maple I've been trying to train and shape to my will for quite some time.

I checked for spider mites, didn't see anything moving, but gave it a light insecticide mist, and a haircut to get rid of the dryest needles.

We have had terrible heat (northern Virginia) in the last week or so.

Is my first "real" bonsai doomed so quickly?


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You're overcaring for it.

Probably too much water. That pot with the incurved lip means there's less surface area on top. That increases water retention below. Misting doesn't help, but does inhibit transpiration of water from the foliage, adding to the water issues at the roots. The soil looks pretty heavy in organics, which stay wet.

I'm in Va. as well. I've been watering once or twice a day, depending on wind, humidity and need. Shade and shielding pots from sun are more effective at keeping roots cooler than constant watering. Trees slow down when heat stressed, as well, which can mean they're using less water.

Stop with the insecticide mist. Insecticidal oils can harm some conifers as well, particularly in the heat.

Water once in the morning. Lift the fully watered pot. Mark how heavy a fully watered pot is. Set it down...Make sure the tree get four hours or so of morning sun, then light to moderate shade in the afternoon. Check in mid-afternoon to see if the soil has dried down an inch into the pot. Check the weight of the pot (heavy pots have water, lighter pots need water)
Also, be encouraged that you have some healthy looking growing tips. Those are what will drive the recovery. You'll probably lose some more that's already discolored, but I'd suspect that one to pull through.
Thanks! I've been worried about the poor thing. I'll cut down the watering and try to get the right amount of sun /shade. More shade than sun in my backyard.
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