Juniper bonsai browning normal?


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Santa Cruz, CA
Hi all, I just got my first juniper bonsai in mid-June, and though it seems to be doing well, I have a few questions...

First of all, how often should I water it? I was doing maybe every 2-3 days, but some fungi began growing on the soil so I cut back.

Also, since the beginning (even when I watered every 2-3 days) I've noticed that the lower parts of green branches tend to have brown needles. is this normal?

2013-07-19 14.09.02.jpg

lastly, as you can (hopefully) see in the picture, some of the needles have a white dust-like substance on them. I'm sort of able to wash/rub it off, but does anybody know what it might be?

Thanks for your patience with a newbie!

- Madeline
Santa Cruz, CA
I will tell you the brown needles are normal. This is interior old foliage. It does die.

Yes this is normal because the foliages don't get enough sun light so foliages are no use to the tree so the foliage dies.
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