Juniper #2 (~Daygan)


Reaction score
San Deigo, CA
I collected this juniper yesterday (Monday, March 25). It was the other half of this juniper, which I collected on Saturday.

Height: About 5'10" I suppose..
Trunk: haven't measured
Plan: Keep it alive, maybe in a year or so, when I know it's healthy, start slowly working on a design.

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As may or may not be evident, this half of the tree has the bulk of the root mass between the two halves.[/td]

As with my other juniper, since I'm not very familiar with juniper care yet, I'm very open to advice about keeping this tree alive. I do ask that if the subject is a controversial one that you p.m. me about it, so as to avoid lengthy public debate.

And again, thanks in advance for any and all responses!


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I love the roof top digs! kind of a sketchy railing system though!
So, you wanna be the second Kimura - wow!

Should be a lot of fun.

Ha ha... honestly, I didn't even think about how tall it was when I was collecting. I'm used to collecting broad-leaf deciduous trees which can just be chopped down to a more manageable size... add to that the fact that the trunk and root structure under the earth were much larger than I originally suspected, and I got a tree that was quite a bit larger than I was originally thinking... but it will be fun to work on :)

I love the roof top digs! kind of a sketchy railing system though!

That's an understatement! I don't even think that "railing" reaches any higher than my shin! :p I just make sure I stay away from the edge...
I hope this one survives. If it does you will have some extremely interesting work for sure. Good luck! :cool:
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