Jinned dead apex. Opinions?


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Hello. I have a thread on this tree but I’ll share the progression and seeking opinions on what to do, or just wait and water and feed for a while? The top died, so I cut it but one random branch seems alive so I left it. Problem is, I’m not sure if I should position the top little branch it to the left as apex (as it is now), or move it down right in the negative space or what.


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Do nothing for now except get the apex branch tip pointing upwards. The tree took a hit and will need to grow out more before doing anything to it.

btw, this should be posted on the base thread.

@Bonsai Nut can you please insert this thread into @Myrki ’s base thread and delete the repeat thread so folks don’t get confused?

DSD sends
This tree took a beating and you lost a lot of trunk and foliage and branching opportunities. Reduce the long and skinny Jin down to just above the other two pieces. From there your new leader/apex (in the future) can grow up and to the left of those Jins and fill in the space around it.

Since the initial trunk movement exits the soil going up and left, the rest of the tree beyond that likely needs to move in that direction whether you simply angle it by wire or spiral/twist in that direction but now is not the time.

Focus on balancing fertilizer/water/sunlight now to recover and get through Winter. Next Spring you can tweak the shape and get it pointing up and left and let it grow through Spring and Summer in that direction.

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