Japanese White Pine Browning/Yellowing?


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Southern Colorado
Wow running into some bad luck this summer. Just got this Japanese White Pine (grafted on JBP). Only had it for about a week and it’s already turning brown/yellowish? near the buds. I live in Southern CO where it’s hot and dry and it was getting direct morning/early afternoon sun for about 3-4hrs then shade. Lightly watered in the morning and evening due to how dry it here and the size of the pot. Am I watering it too much? Is that why it’s changing color in the center, near the bud instead of the tips? Would it be better to limit the direct sun while giving it less water? I feel like it would easily dry out with only watering once a day and still give it 3-4hrs of direct sun. We are 4300ft above sea level, still pushing high 80’sF 14%hum. No bugs visible, no minor/major treatment (no pruning, pesticides, fertilizer, etc). Photos: 1 and 2 were taken a week ago, 3 and 4 are from today. 😣


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Another question… Has anybody had experience with grafted white pines in hot dry high elevation climate?
This looks exactly like what happened with one of 3 white pines that died in June less than a month after I bought them. The diagnosis here on BonsaiNut was too much water and that seems to have been the case. Instead of watering mine everyday which has been appropriate for all of my other trees, my JWPs geett watered every 2 or 3 days.
But bear in mind that mine have not been potted ito bonsai soil as the timing was wrong, I'm at a lower altitude, and the DC 'burbs are much more humid than your environment.
This looks exactly like what happened with one of 3 white pines that died in June less than a month after I bought them. The diagnosis here on BonsaiNut was too much water and that seems to have been the case. Instead of watering mine everyday which has been appropriate for all of my other trees, my JWPs geett watered every 2 or 3 days.
But bear in mind that mine have not been potted ito bonsai soil as the timing was wrong, I'm at a lower altitude, and the DC 'burbs are much more humid than your environment.
Oh man, sorry to hear that. I’ve heard they are picky when it comes to water but I figured the small pot, soil and being grafted on black pine stock, id have a little less trouble with the overwatering issue. With bonsai pot and soil, one thing I’ve heard (which I don’t know if it’ll help) is to water the tree well, so all roots get watered, then let it dry to where the top layer of soil is dry to the touch. My pot is fairly small and the roots take up much of the pot so it’s hard to think that it’s getting too much water but I’m new, to this species especially. I hope you don’t get turned off by loosing them, they are such an awesome species. It’s my first one and I’ve always wanted one but it’s hard loosing a tree that you really love. Cheers, all the best.
One comment that I've heard a number of times with regards to watering pines is that in the fall, you should veer on the side of less water if it's one of those cointoss waterings.
What is the soil mix its in and is it dry when you water? Are you touching the soil first?
I believe there is very little organic material, but some akadama. It does drain well and when I water it’s dry to the touch and on dry side of moisture meter
One comment that I've heard a number of times with regards to watering pines is that in the fall, you should veer on the side of less water if it's one of those cointoss waterings.
Good to thanks! I’ve heard in late fall need water more on JWPs. I think I saw that in Bonsai Masterclass book by Kunio Kobauashi
Watering is hard, and situational. The soil looks rater wet to me. It's normal for old and unhealthy needles to drop in the fall, but this looks different than that.

Oh man, sorry to hear that. I’ve heard they are picky when it comes to water but I figured the small pot, soil and being grafted on black pine stock, id have a little less trouble with the overwatering issue. With bonsai pot and soil, one thing I’ve heard (which I don’t know if it’ll help) is to water the tree well, so all roots get watered, then let it dry to where the top layer of soil is dry to the touch. My pot is fairly small and the roots take up much of the pot so it’s hard to think that it’s getting too much water but I’m new, to this species especially. I hope you don’t get turned off by loosing them, they are such an awesome species. It’s my first one and I’ve always wanted one but it’s hard loosing a tree that you really love. Cheers, all the best.
Oh, I'm deep into bonsai at this point but only recently into pines, and the 3 white pines I bought in May are my first JWP. They are my favorite species and the two I have left are doing well now.
Might check for beetle larva burrowing at tree sites.

Not sure it’s a watering issue. Please to chock up one side of the pot if concerned about this.

Seems your location is SoColorado. Can you please enter your approximate location and USDA Plant cold hardiness zone. Click icon and then account details. Scroll down and enter these data . This will really help us help you better,

DSD sends
Might check for beetle larva burrowing at tree sites.

Not sure it’s a watering issue. Please to chock up one side of the pot if concerned about this.

Seems your location is SoColorado. Can you please enter your approximate location and USDA Plant cold hardiness zone. Click icon and then account details. Scroll down and enter these data . This will really help us help you better,

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Got it, thanks! Was wondering if it might be flowering? Noticed small little buds coming out of the same spots as the browning, about the same color
Pines, and conifers in general, do not bear flowers. Likely that’s just the bud for next year.

Now is about the time that old needles will yellow and drop, so beware of that. This looks like new needles yellowing as well.
Got it, thanks! Was wondering if it might be flowering? Noticed small little buds coming out of the same spots as the browning, about the same color
Looks like it’s time for some close up images. Can you please post close up sides and top view.

DSD sends
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