Japanese or Chinese? Quince I'd help


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Louisiana, Baton Rouge
Can some one please point me in the direction of a article that tells me the diffrence between a Chinese and Japanese quince. I got a tree from brussel labeled as both. Two tags. How will I be able to tell which it is? What makes them different?
Thanks in advance guys.
Chinese? Japanese?

"Pseudocydonia sinensis, the Chinese Quince, is a deciduous or semi-evergreen tree in the family Rosaceae, native to eastern Asia in China. It is closely related to the east Asian genus Chaenomeles, and is sometimes placed in Chaenomeles as C. sinensis,[3] but notable differences are the lack of thorns, and that the flowers are produced singly, not in clusters. It is closely related to the European Quince genus Cydonia,[4] but one notable difference is the serrated leaves."

Hope this helps.
If it has a decent trunk and did not cost you a kidney or s lung then its probably a Chinese Quince. lol If it flowers for you its probably a Japanese Quince.

As suggested a photo always helps to include close up of the leaves and the bark. The older a chinese quince get the easier it is to tell by the bark. In post three it mentions the presence of thorns for japanese and not so for chinese, which I thought was pretty helpful.
Japanese run a whole gammet of bloom colors while chinese tend to be varying densities of pink from light to medium in color. My chinese blooms more whitish.

Glad to see another BN member interested in getting quince......:)
Cool I get some pics when it stops raining here. I haven't seen any thorns on it. And I've never seen it leaf out yet.
I got smaller ones they were labeled only as japanese quince and there blooming clusters of 3-4 flowers so I'll asume that's right and there japanese. But my 2 large ones havent done anything yet.
This is an old post, but thought I'd clear things up. Chaenomeles species have rather large stipules at the bases of the petioles, while Pseudocydonia do not. I think this is the easiest way to tell them apart. Thorns are not a good indicator, because there are a large variety of thornless Chaenomeles out there.
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