Japanese maple needs help


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Кінчики листя мого бонсай засохли. Що робити в цій ситуації. Опишу що вийшло, завжди поливаю вранці на п'ятий день, але цього разу вирішила полити на шостий і коли ввечері прийшла з роботи, побачила, що кінчики висохли, просто в день. Дуже швидко, що це може бути?
Чи може це від сухих добрив, які я даю? , чи це хвороба - грибок?
Вибачте за мою англійську

[EDIT] From Google Translate:
The tips of my bonsai leaves have dried up. What to do in this situation. I will describe what happened, I always water in the morning on the fifth day, but this time I decided to water on the sixth and when I came home from work in the evening, I saw that the tips had dried up, just in a day. Very quickly, what could it be? Could it be from the dry fertilizers I give? , or is it a disease - a fungus? Sorry for my English[/EDIT]


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Sorry mate, I don't read Russian/Ukranian but I guess you want to know why the Japanese maple leaves have burnt edges.
Almost certainly not enough water, possibly compounded by hot winds?
Japanese maples need plenty of water, especially in spring when they are growing fast. How much water will depend on daytime temps, soil type, pot size, wind, etc You can only tell when to water by checking the soil in the pot morning and night.
By the way, Japanese maples do not do well indoors (or in bomb shelters) . Outside in the fresh air is best.

Any chance of a translated version of the post?
Google translate can't translate part of the message so I can't be sure.

It looks like leaf burn to me. I don't know what your weather is but seems early in the year for this.

I'd put the tree in a spot that gets morning sun and afternoon shade.
Thank you all very much for the advice.
What to do with the leaves? crop or leave as is?
It appears to me to be leaf burn from too much sun, or perhaps dry wind.

Do not remove the leaves that are partially burned, the tree will do that itself if it no longer needs them. Make sure you give your tree enough protection from the elements. I could burn up a Japanese maple in one day when I lived in Southern California and hot wind was blowing from the desert.

Also... welcome to the site!

Мені здається, що це опік листя від занадто сильного сонця або, можливо, сухого вітру.

Не видаляйте листя, яке частково згоріло, дерево зробить це само, якщо вони йому більше не потрібні. Переконайтеся, що ви достатньо захистили своє дерево від стихії. Я міг би спалити японський клен за один день, коли я жив у Південній Каліфорнії, і гарячий вітер дув із пустелі.

Також... ласкаво просимо на сайт!
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Yea I didn't think about wind. Early spring dry winds could definitely do this
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