I will not help you with any jades with all due respect to you, I think they're the ugliest plant in the world and I do not support their use in bonsai for a plethora of reasons. I wish you a lot of good luck with them though!
Regarding the juniper, I would grow it out a bit more. I've noticed they slow down to a grinding halt when the roots are in a bonsai pot so I want to suggest you keep it in the pot and soil it's in right now for developmental purposes. It speeds up the development by about 5x if it has plenty of roots and root space. When you're near the trunk size you desire it to be, with a solid amount of growth during the growing season too, you can consider potting it down.
That juniper that I posted first, the one I worked from the top down, is exploding with growth - I did not repot it. Whereas the one that now pollutes your thread, sorry for that, is basically at the same point I hacked it to in 2021. Not an inch of growth has added to it.