J. Pro nana 2001JPN001


Marine Bonsologist
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
I have posted this juniper before, but I either didnt make a thread just for it or the thread got deleted which seems unlikely.

Anyway, this is the tree that got me into bonsai in the first place.

Its a mallsai and yep I almost killed it like so many other newbies by trying to grow it inside.
I know its nothing special but I like it and am proud of its progress nonetheless.

The progression of the pics are

1. 2012 when I realized it was going to live after I almost killed it
2. 2013 after it had grown a bunch then repotted pruned.
Yes the pot is too big, but we are trying to grow!
3 & 4. 2014 today. It was wired, thinned and pruned in the spring and it still is growing like a weed


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Looks healthy!

I still have my first tree, a small boxwood from the beginners class with Bill V. in 2010. Even though I don't think it will ever be much of a bonsai, I'll probably keep it for sentimental reasons.
It looks like it's coming along nicely! How much has it thickened up, if at all?

It's only been a couple years, but I can't remember which tree was my first because I bought a bunch of sticks in pots at the same time. I had a bougainvillea (still alive), Fukien tea (DEAD), and a few ficus plants (still alive). The boxwood I tried to put into a bonsai pot in the summer croaked real fast.
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