It's still July, after all...

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Dublin, Ohio
Anyone in the northern hemisphere recently face a decision of any sort (based around the growing season) as to whether you might take a risk to achieve some desired result? I mean, it's still July, right? Nip that branch back and it'll still sprout some new options before end of season! Or... um... you missed your window, friend. Deal with it. Doing that now is an exercise in futility and very likely a disaster! Thoughts?
Depends on the plant. I would be careful though, you are in my zone and pruning is done on most of my trees until they are dormant.
I did just cut some Chinese Elm back way hard. They will be fine.
You could but I don't think there is any reason to.

This is the peak of my trimming season and I'm working my way through my deciduous trees and removing all unwanted growth. For many this is the third trimming. August is the hot one here so I usually don't do much work until September I'll do another round of touch up.
One some, I sure missed the window and I'm not doing more. They're more or less in a refinement year for now, so no more insults. Just to keep things steady.
On others I'm taking the shot, still in development, so they can respond however they like and I can write down what worked and what didn't.
I am new to this, but did just recently prune quite a bit off a Deshojo JM which was getting out of hand. It doesnt seem to have stopped growing since March, every time I trim loads of little pink leaves come through. Some other trees get minor pruning but probably wouldn't do anything too drastic. As a newb I am trying to stick rigidly to all the usual advice about timing so the early spring to-do list is already growing! It is quite cool here now (UK, 20deg C) hoping we still have some more proper summer to come Aug-Sept..
Season for trimming pines fast approaching so new buds can begin to set☺️. Usually many become visible before onset of cold times😌.
I trimmed 4 buckets worth of stuff last week alone. Things are pushing and growing like crazy here.
I am thinking about some big cut on a beech. It is not the time of year holding me back so far, but the fact that it was collected this spring. Not sure I am going to wait though. Might take a carving set to it over the weekend, unless I find something more fun to do, like wiring the junipers that I prunes last week. Hm.
aug work on a maple
i hacked a koto hime right back a week n half ago.
I've got some things going strong right now and others have already slowed way down. It's the water that's killing me right now. Super hot days and blazing sun dries out the top half of the pot, but it's so humid that transpiration has slowed so the pots are still heavy with water at the bottom.
If I had a reason to trim my maples and elms I would. I only avoid rainy spells (chance for infections) and heatwaves. But in my climate I can usually trim pretty late and bank on a September growth bump to make small trims ok. But I'm done pushing trees really hard so that will begin to settle
I'm sure glad it's only July. Was away a couple days earlier in the month, but forgot to water extra well before leaving. Got back and everything was nice and crispy. Lost a pine and two junipers for it, but they were weak to begin with. An elm and a mountain mahogany are recovering though. Fingers crossed for enough strength to survive winter.
I’m just at my last scramble...

For ME, it’s making sure any new growth is strong enough to weather my beastly winter temperatures..

Although, I’m finding that(Some of) the native/naturalized berries i’m “demystifying” are running later flushes..

...almost like they are SUPPOSED to live in my climate!


(I JUST finished Mugo work.. but I DO take about 15 days to perform Pine operations 🤣 a tad TOO protective?... maybe!)
(6a) - finished up pruning on pines to prioritize and trigger backbuds this week.

repotted tropicals this weekend.

time to prune my coastal redwoods (and a repot on one).

separating air layers this weekend.

Cut back a larch I collected last fall as it was pushing strong new shoots on branches I know I won’t be using.

Then mostly sit and wait until fall until leaf drop!
One some, I sure missed the window and I'm not doing more. They're more or less in a refinement year for now, so no more insults. Just to keep things steady.
On others I'm taking the shot, still in development, so they can respond however they like and I can write down what worked and what didn't.
Yes to this. Refined trees have a tighter window (for me) than also-rans. Anything in-process gets worked on when I can fit it in after I do all the better trees.
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