Is there interest in a short term "Grower's Internship"?


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Portland, OR
I am considering offering a "Grower Internship" at Left Coast Bonsai outside of Portland, OR.
It would be flexible in duration (1 week ->3 months)

I have not fleshed out the details, just feeling out the interest. It would focus on the care and design of pre-bonsai from seed to 10 years.

Sounds cool. I think developing stock ia all about sacrifice…ing braches, that is. and watering.
I'd be interested in the concept in general, although my work schedule would make doing something like this a little hard.

Consider running different types of services throughout the year for the internship. A slower as convent time frame and a more intensive time frame to get as much work/training done in bursts (probably aim it around federal holidays). Maybe include a few educational and concept classes here and there for those with even less time.

I highly enjoy the growing aspect in general and I aspire to be a provider of high quality pre-bonsai provider for my local area as a hobbyist.
I would be interested!
Definitely some interest here. I personally think there isn't enough training out there for the "growing" part of bonsai. I was always more curious in a pre bonsai, field growing apprenticeship rather than working with a professional who mostly just works with maintaining highly refined trees. It's how I got my start into bonsai and i think it gives the opportunity to give a quick crash course on a wide variety of not just different species, but also, since every tree will grow slightly differently even within the same species, you'll get to be faced with all sorts of various styling struggles along the way, which i have found extremely valuable in the "seeing the tree in the bush" hurdle of styling.
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