Is there a section/sticky for "Tree Health" or "Common Issues"?


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Cleveland, OH
One of my Hornbeams has leaves that don't look too healthy. I was hoping to peruse some examples of fungus damage vs. root/watering issues vs. bacterial problems, etc. I'd like to see if I can figure out how to fish rather than having someone just hand me a fish. Does this already exist and I'm just missing it?
No. We tried in the past putting up a "FAQ" but the information was so general as to be almost meaningless. It read like a beginner bonsai book. So many issues with bonsai are situational and are based on so many different factors, that it is often best just to post a pic and ask for help.
Ok. Thanks for letting me know. I'll post a picture and ask for assistance.
No. We tried in the past putting up a "FAQ" but the information was so general as to be almost meaningless. It read like a beginner bonsai book. So many issues with bonsai are situational and are based on so many different factors, that it is often best just to post a pic and ask for help.
Hey love the site man!!!, speaking on specific stickys/forums..... why not make a certain forum for "Ficus" ? You have them for Elms, Junipers, pines, Maples, list goes on. We all know it's a top tree from beginner to Advanced. That being said the ficus forum would be visited a lot. But instead it's under "Tropicals" with a lot of other tropical spieces of trees. So sometimes when you looking for something specific on Ficus you have to scroll threw a lot of post on other trees to find what your looking for. Instead we could click on "Ficus" and find all related Ficus info. Reguardless the site is awesome and busy it daily. Just thought that be a good suggestion. BONSAI ON!!!
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