Is my Japanese juniper bonsai dying? Please help.


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I bought my Japanese juniper about 3 weeks ago.

I live in Sacramento, CA.

I keep my tree indoors but let it sit outside for about 2-3hrs a day.

I let it soak in water for about 5-10min.

This is my first bonsai ever and don’t want it to die on me. Any help will be appreciated thanks.


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hello and welcome. I’ll be the first to say it needs more time in direct Sun, like 6-8 hours a day. Also don’t water it unless the soil is dry an inch or so under the surface. And finally I’m sure the person (scam artist) who sold it to you said it was a Japanese Juniper but it looks like a nana procumbens juniper to me. I say it’s a scam because people like that will lie just so people buy a tree and then kill it since they were lied to as far as how to care for it or what it even is.
hello and welcome. I’ll be the first to say it needs more time in direct Sun, like 6-8 hours a day. Also don’t water it unless the soil is dry an inch or so under the surface. And finally I’m sure the person (scam artist) who sold it to you said it was a Japanese Juniper but it looks like a nana procumbens juniper to me. I say it’s a scam because people like that will lie just so people buy a tree and then kill it since they were lied to as far as how to care for it or what it even is.
Thank you. The guy who sold it to me gave me this sheet and have been following the instructions. Are there any other tips you could give me that aren’t on the instructions?


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Thank you. The guy who sold it to me gave me this sheet and have been following the instructions. Are there any other tips you could give me that aren’t on the instructions?
Nah trash it. For whichever bonsai species you have, do a google search “Japanese juniper bonsai care”, there are general care guides on bonsai empire for many species but keep in mind they’re not taking your location with its unique climate into mind
Thank you. The guy who sold it to me gave me this sheet and have been following the instructions. Are there any other tips you could give me that aren’t on the instructions?
I would throw those away if you have time to do your own research. I would just google “nana procumbens juniper bonsai” and you will find much better information. I would recommend finding a bonsai YouTube channel that has done a video about them.
Thank you. The guy who sold it to me gave me this sheet and have been following the instructions. Are there any other tips you could give me that aren’t on the instructions?
First off, ignore pretty much everything on those two sheets of paper... use them to start a fire. As for the tree, gradually over the next few weeks, move it into full sun, preferably 6-8 hours +. Don't water on a schedule, but when the soil is dry. It can and should stay outside year round in Sacramento. Lots of info here at B'nut to help, so use the search function.
Nah trash it. For whichever bonsai species you have, do a google search “Japanese juniper bonsai care”, there are general care guides on bonsai empire for many species but keep in mind they’re not taking your location with its unique climate into mind
Yea i figured that much which is why i shared my location. Sacramento can get really cold at during this time of year and really hot in the summer which is why i want to try and keep it inside right now that it’s so small.
Yea i figured that much which is why i shared my location. Sacramento can get really cold at during this time of year and really hot in the summer which is why i want to try and keep it inside right now that it’s so small.
Junipers are both very heat and cold hardy, and can do just fine with seasonal fluctuations ranging from 100 + F in the summer to sub 0 F in the winter. What they won't tolerate is being kept inside for long periods of time. From what I can tell, your tree won't blink an eye at a Sacramento winter as it really doesn't get that cold there. In summer, you may need to water several times a day and 'might' need some mid day shade, but I'd defer to those that grow in your general location.
Yea i figured that much which is why i shared my location. Sacramento can get really cold at during this time of year and really hot in the summer which is why i want to try and keep it inside right now that it’s so small.
The nurseries near me keep theirs in full sun all day long. Yours will need more time to acclimate but luckily we’re headed into winter so it should be fairly easy, try to get it morning sun while blocking the most intense sunlight of the day. I personally keep mine under 50% shade cloth because otherwise I would have to water it too often
Appreciate all the info guys. Are there any special fertilizers or vitamins you guys could suggest?
Do yourself a favor and go here:

Lots of entry-level junipers right at the entrance.
Thanks. I really appreciate it. I’ve always wanted a bonsai tree since i was little kid and watch Karate Kid 😂. Finally got one now that I’m in my mid 30s and really don’t want my first one to die on me.
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