Is it normal for Fukien tea foliage to shed and look like this 1.5 weeks after bringing indoors from the nursery?

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Memphis, TN
I was told by the bonsai caretakers at the nursery to be prepared for the leaves to shed, but want to be sure that this is a normal amount of shedding. I have attached pics for you all to have a better idea of how it looks. Also, should I stop watering it with rainwater that has fertilizer in it since it is shedding its foliage so much? I plan to keep it outdoors once the weather warms up a bit, but for now it is indoors in a humidity tray, I mist it’s leaves with fertilized rain water, I water it when the soil feels and looks like it needs to be watered (with fertilized rain water), and I have it under a grow light for 16 hours a day with a fan circulating air in the room with an average room temp of 72 degrees. Thank you!!!869AECF8-A218-432B-9064-711B9AB7AB36.jpegA02968B3-9BF2-4CAE-84BF-E56224FFDA12.jpegC1E10758-7965-42F5-A875-C41AE571902A.jpeg
It looks like it has been underwatered(?) The drooping leaves indicated not enough water, or possibly, too much cold. Otherwise it looks pretty good.
It looks like it has been underwatered(?) The drooping leaves indicated not enough water, or possibly, too much cold. Otherwise it looks pretty good.
Thank you!! Is it best for me to submerge the pot in water when watering, or continue to use watering can and just water more often?
I agree - in general, it looks ok. I have a Fukien tea tree about the same size, and that’s how it looks when it has gone a little too long without water. Fukien trees sometimes throw a little tantrum and drop leaves when stressed, but they easily recover with proper care.

The soil looks good, so thorough watering with a watering can would be fine.

It’s a nice looking tree!
Try to learn how to water.
When the temperature is 70 deg.F as the low for for the
day you can think about a mild fertiliser, say 1/3 strength
every two weeks, for a month.

Tropics here -- this a zone 9 shrub from China and in the
pot drops to zone 11.
Some of them are - possibly - root sensitive to high 60's.
We have had deaths at 65 to 68 deg.F temperature lasting from 10 p.m
to 8.00 a,m.

They sleep on our side from Christmas until February.

So we just water and do not fertilise until mid-February or
early March.
Fertiliser has around 8 to 12 N and low P and K.
Best of Growing to you.
I agree - in general, it looks ok. I have a Fukien tea tree about the same size, and that’s how it looks when it has gone a little too long without water. Fukien trees sometimes throw a little tantrum and drop leaves when stressed, but they easily recover with proper care.

The soil looks good, so thorough watering with a watering can would be fine.

It’s a nice looking tree!
Awesome, thank you so much for the tips and reassurance!!
Try to learn how to water.
When the temperature is 70 deg.F as the low for for the
day you can think about a mild fertiliser, say 1/3 strength
every two weeks, for a month.

Tropics here -- this a zone 9 shrub from China and in the
pot drops to zone 11.
Some of them are - possibly - root sensitive to high 60's.
We have had deaths at 65 to 68 deg.F temperature lasting from 10 p.m
to 8.00 a,m.

They sleep on our side from Christmas until February.

So we just water and do not fertilise until mid-February or
early March.
Fertiliser has around 8 to 12 N and low P and K.
Best of Growing to you.
Thank you, I’m trying my best to learn how to water it and the delonix, as I know it will make a world of difference. Your tips and advice are very helpful, as always! Thank you!
Underwatering was definitely the issue! I watered it and sure enough the leaves have literally perked right back up! I’m very surprised but thankful to see them perk back up so quickly. Thanks so much again for all of your help!
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