I bought 5 Siberian elm clumps from @cmeg1 a while back and have been growing two in grow bags, planted in a raised bed
They're all growing very well, are super healthy, but two of them have interesting mutations (?) that I personally have never seen before!
The the three mutations are all on one single trunk:
Conical leaves. It's not that they're just curled leaves, they're actually shaped like that and are attached where they curl
Duo-leaves. There's multiple of these but I only took a couple of pictures (you can see two in the picture below, the top leaf where my finger is and the next leaf that's facing down)
Branches splitting down the middle and continuing to grow. It's not a bud that's now the same size as the branch, it's like the branch literally clones itself into two
And then on another tree, opposite leaf pattern
Anyone else see anything like this before?
@cmeg1, I know you mentioned on another post you'd seen the opposite leaf pattern but that it'd go away, but have you seen any of the others?
They're all growing very well, are super healthy, but two of them have interesting mutations (?) that I personally have never seen before!
The the three mutations are all on one single trunk:
Conical leaves. It's not that they're just curled leaves, they're actually shaped like that and are attached where they curl
Duo-leaves. There's multiple of these but I only took a couple of pictures (you can see two in the picture below, the top leaf where my finger is and the next leaf that's facing down)
Branches splitting down the middle and continuing to grow. It's not a bud that's now the same size as the branch, it's like the branch literally clones itself into two
And then on another tree, opposite leaf pattern
Anyone else see anything like this before?
@cmeg1, I know you mentioned on another post you'd seen the opposite leaf pattern but that it'd go away, but have you seen any of the others?