Imported Tree Nurseries


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Palm Springs, CA
I see the term "imported"many times on trees for sale. Especially younger ones for people just starting out in the hobby. Are they mass production nurseries with rows and rows of trees that people are pruning and wiring? Has anyone seen pics or videos of these places. Just something I have always wondered about. I keep thinking that there is a conveyor line like an automobile manufacture. Thanks.
Where are you located, and in what country are you seeing this term?

1 - Assuming you are referring to Japan as the exporter, the type of material being exported from Japan varies tremendously based on which country is doing the importing: for example Europe, Singapore, UAE, China, USA, and Canada all have very different import requirements that heavily influence the process. Of course, the taste, interests, budgets, etc. of the importer and their market also affects what type of material is being imported.

2 - It also depends what you're looking at/referring to in your post -- there are many different ways in which 'bonsai' is practiced. If you're looking at the corkscrews in pots that show up at Home Depot, then the answer to your question is yes, these are being produced in large quantities, but not usually in Japan. But if you're looking at material directed at a more specialized audience then the answer to your question is no, bonsai production in Japan is very distributed across nurseries, professionals and hobbyists, and it's rare to see any one person producing a batch larger than a few hundred units of any given species (a tray or 2 is much more common).
I see the term "imported"many times on trees for sale. Especially younger ones for people just starting out in the hobby. Are they mass production nurseries with rows and rows of trees that people are pruning and wiring? Has anyone seen pics or videos of these places. Just something I have always wondered about. I keep thinking that there is a conveyor line like an automobile manufacture. Thanks.
Thanks for the reply. I have seen trees at Brussel's Bonsai, Bonsai Outlet etc. Most are for new growers. I am in the US.
Thanks for the reply. I have seen trees at Brussel's Bonsai, Bonsai Outlet etc. Most are for new growers. I am in the US.
I think for a lot of those ones for us here in the states, it just means those trees are bought/imported from some of the big generic bonsai nurseries in Asia, like you know those Chinese elms that all have nearly identical S-curves in the trunk. To my understanding it sounds like they are pretty much what you envision, with lots of people putting twists and turns in young trees and then just growing them out another season or two. I haven't seen video/photos of them, but Peter Chan mentions them from time to time in his youtube videos
The trees in this video are sourced from China. They're higher grade than what the big box stores get, but probably from the same facilities.

Larger wholesale specimens in China
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