If it is too good to be true...


Imperial Masterpiece
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Austin, TX (Zone 8b)
I really enjoyed grafting my boxwood so I did lots. Most of them took and are growing now...except the ones with really nice plump buds when I collected them. They took but not growing because the buds turned out to be FLOWERS! :mad: My boxwood managed to fool me and most likely have to remove those grafts because they will probably not sprout anymore. Just keeping them for now just in case but I have no expectations from those now.

I am bummed because 10 or so grafts have all their nodes w/ flowers and based on my experience, those won't produce leaf buds. :(

Live and learn.
Thanks Poink....I was wondering about that. I'm going to be digging one up this spring I put back in the ground for a few years. Does the same hold true if they're not grafts?
I don't know boxwoods...but, trying to get the just of this post. As wisteria the boxwood produced flowering and branch buds then. You assumed branch buds so you pruned the rooting trunk back to far then? Do they not back bud well?
Thanks Poink....I was wondering about that. I'm going to be digging one up this spring I put back in the ground for a few years. Does the same hold true if they're not grafts?

As far as I know, it applies to the tree itself in the same way. It does not leaf bud on nodes where it bloomed.
Well, might as well see it through at this point to see what happens. Can we see a photo? Wouldn't you have to wait until spring to try again anyways?
Well, might as well see it through at this point to see what happens. Can we see a photo? Wouldn't you have to wait until spring to try again anyways?

I removed the flowers already so nothing to show. The grafts are still there and will be left until spring. If they do not show growth, I'll remove them.

I can try now actually but bummed since I wasted several months on them. To think I chose those scions for their "plump" buds! LOL :p
I don't know boxwoods...but, trying to get the just of this post. As wisteria the boxwood produced flowering and branch buds then. You assumed branch buds so you pruned the rooting trunk back to far then? Do they not back bud well?

No, I grafted scions with all the bud nodes are with flower buds. There will be no place for them to send shoots out now...but I am still hoping so I am leaving them on until spring.
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