Identifying a Crassula and a Ficus


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West Tennessee
First and foremost, I've finally decided to come out of the shadows. I've been stalking around this site for about a year now, made an account a month ago, and here we are today.

And second, I'm new to the bonsai world and trying to learn what I can as I go. I currently have two plants that I'm trying to keep alive: some sort of crassula ovata and some sort of ficus. My setup is very lame right now, as I'm currently renovating a home and building up my bonsai toolbag. So, my plants are displayed on a lovely cardboard box between two windows and under a light and are probably both in need of a repot.

I'd like an ID on both, if anyone would be so kind.
The c. ovata was sold as a "Red Horn Tree", but I don't see it. I'm guessing some kind of Hobbit/Gollum mix, but I'm unsure as many of the leaves look very different from one to the next.
The ficus was sold as a "Retusa", aka "Banyan Fig" and "Taiwan Ficus". It has the tiger bark, but from everything I have read, there are many, many names for ficus (in my case, maybe a "mallsai" would also be relevant), so I am having some issues figuring it out.

Anyway, I appreciate any help with this and any other suggestions you may have. Also, please try not to critique (too much) my awful wiring job and any other newbie issues I have going on. I'm definitely a work in progress....😅


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Welcome! With the C. Ovata it's hard to tell. I'm sure you're well aware they do best in full sun. They will typically get red highlights when you get them out in full summer sun. Once you replant it and get it outside when it warms up I think it will be easier to tell what it is.

As for the ficus, same thing, you basically can't give them enough sun. It looks a little weak to me. Once you repot and get it outside if it starts to gain some vigor I'd probably look at doing a major chop on it. I'm not a fan of the long roots like that (to me it looks like a person being held down). The tree is a bit tall for how wide the trunk is. At a minimum I'd chop at the upper line, but you have some reverse taper at the bottom so you may look to chop at the bottom line and make a little shohin/sumo style ficus out of it.


Good luck!
Sunshine, yes. And weak, double yes.
I definitely agree about the roots and the cut, I'm thinking that lower cut, but I am a little worried about it not filling out on the right if I do cut there.
Either way, thank you so much for your response! Hopefully in the coming months they'll both start to perk up.
The Crassula looks like a regular Crassula Ovata to me (it is certainly not a Hobbit or Gollum because those leaves are different).
The Ficus looks like a regular Ficus Retusa to me (a mass produced cheap mallsai).
First off, both plants are weak and you are not giving them what they need. I suggest you look into decent grow lights assuming they are being kept inside. If you add your location to your profile you will get better advice.
The Ficus retusa is of the common variety often sold as mallsai. That is not a bad thing and they can make excellent bonsai if given the light and fertilizer they require.
The C. ovata is not the common variety. It is a compact variety that does develop a lot of red in its leaves if given sufficient sunlight. When weather is past chance of frost, put it outside. It will need a hard cut back. Fortunately it will give you 3 more plants to work with as you root those cuttings. I wish I knew specifically the name of this jade cultivar. I do have this one and I consider it one of the best for bonsai. If my buddy who grows many jades knows the name of this cultivar I will get back to you.
Thank you, I added my location. I was a little hesitant, because I've avoided social media for the last six or seven years now.

They're under a 2' grow light, but it's probably not the best quality, and between North-facing and West-facing windows (my best option for windows at the moment).
I kind of figured, I've been doing a lot more research since the purchase, and "mallsai" has spoken the loudest to me too. 😅 The trunk is fairly thick, at least.

Gandalf might be it. It doesn't have the suction cup type leaves, but it does have some oblong ones and some that look like noses. I did a test cut back on one of the branches, because they were all spindley and exactly the same height when I got it, I'll be excited to do a real cut back before long.


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That jade would do really well outside in the summer. It might even be a little too bright in Tennessee. Maybe partial shade. It will explode.

You can chop your ficus but what do you want to do with it? After it becomes a stump, you will still need a direction. Is there a ficus tree picture that you like?
Welcome to the forum!

I'd also guess the tiger bark ficus, the marks on the bark are distinctive tell. Mine looks very similar to yours
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No need, we all had a first post. I lurked for a long time before I joined as well. We're not that scary;)
🤭 That's good to know!

That jade would do really well outside in the summer. It might even be a little too bright in Tennessee. Maybe partial shade. It will explode.

You can chop your ficus but what do you want to do with it? After it becomes a stump, you will still need a direction. Is there a ficus tree picture that you like?
Too bright in Tennessee? That's something to think about. Would it be too bright for my ficus too, you think?

And there are many pictures that I like, but my tree is so far from any of them, it is difficult for me to imagine right now. Here are a few very, VERY different ones that I like, but may or may not ever be possible.
If you go from indoors to a 95° day, you will burn your trees. Just make The transition in the spring and you should be ok.
You can make ficus do a lot. They back bud, they create aerial roots, and you can graft new branches on, etc. So get the tree healthy, and while it is growing, start working out a direction you want to take it. You probably have more options than you think. I also love those huge trunks with fused roots. Look up banyan style.
Jack is right, when you first move the trees outside put them in a shady place for a few weeks, then move to part sun, then full sun. It's safe to move them outside when the night time temperature is consistently above 60F. This is what I do every spring. Once they are acclimated, my ficus go into full sun here in Texas. I doubt that Tennessee sun would be too bright.

Your "wish trees" are all beautiful! Ficus are the Play-Doh of bonsai, they can be grown in many forms. As your tree becomes healthy, it may suggest a direction to you. Show us more pictures then.
Okay, that sounds like a good plan. I feel a little more prepared going into this now. Raise the health of the tree, and in the meantime I'll continue researching styles, and maybe over time my little tree will tell me what it wants to grow up to be. 😁
Thank you both. I will definitely look up some banyan and eventually post more, hopefully prosperous, pictures.
Thank you, I added my location. I was a little hesitant, because I've avoided social media for the last six or seven years now.

They're under a 2' grow light, but it's probably not the best quality, and between North-facing and West-facing windows (my best option for windows at the moment).
I kind of figured, I've been doing a lot more research since the purchase, and "mallsai" has spoken the loudest to me too. 😅 The trunk is fairly thick, at least.

Gandalf might be it. It doesn't have the suction cup type leaves, but it does have some oblong ones and some that look like noses. I did a test cut back on one of the branches, because they were all spindley and exactly the same height when I got it, I'll be excited to do a real cut back before long.
I would say that the jade could be „Hobbit“ or more likely the broader spooned „ Gollum“. Gollum also tends to get the „red horn tips“ from sunlight exposure. There is a mountain of different names out there for the same cultivar, anywhere from Shrek ears to Gandalf, to Lady Fingers….

Below is my Hobbit for reference, as you can see the spooned leaves are quite tightly rolled.934E77B8-7C3D-4A36-87A7-0FE998EAA9DE.png
Here is some improvement on the C. Ovata. The picture was actually taken in June. I kept forgetting to take a recent one, but since then I chopped the tallest branch and the one on the left. It has several buds all along both of those branches. It's much healthier and happier.


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And here is the ficus. It does not look any better. This is my fault. I only just put it outside a week ago because we've been doing so much work on our house, and I also work second shift and have been hesitant to put my baby outside. Since it wasn't improving any under the lights (surprise, surprise) I finally broke down and put it where it wanted to be all along. Just in a week, though, the little buds that were just sitting on the branches all started to pop. Hindsight is 20/20.


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