I will be trying Sub-Alpine fir var. arizonica as bonsai. Any tips?


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Romania, Bucharest
Hi, I am getting a couple of sub-alpine fir's, tiny guys really, just 30-ish centimeters. I am planning on repotting them into nice bonsai soil next spring and I was wondering if you guys know any care tips on them?
It gets pretty hot on my south facing balcony in summer but I do have a north facing one too, from what I read online about their natural environment they do well in hot and dry climates.
And I also plan on putting them next to eachother in the pot so that they become like a mother-daughter or maybe a sister-sister(????im not sure what to call it). So does anyone know if they play nice with eachother and fuze?
Likely can get two young SAF to fuse.

Try making two matching shallow flat cuts to reveal each tree’s cambium. Match the cambium of each tree up against the other, press together and wrap tightly with about 3 layers of parafilm or grafting tape. When the tape splits in a year or two wrap again until they fuse.

btw: One might want to wire bend the two trees trunks above the junction a bit away from each other first to jump start some separation.

Others may have improvements on this process.

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