You are not wrong the 2nd tree is for sure one of he stranger tree's i have ever seen.Cool.....I think that second tree crawled out, escaped from the ocean and disguised itself as a tree on land.
The first tree has good potential...however, I am not at all familiar with a pear tree as bonsai material. It just looks like good potential in your photo. Have fun!
I had a pear tree in the yard before that had thorns like that. Leaves look the same. Thanks for the memory....cuts all over my arms when it finally had to go.
The lady wasnt sure. Said she would find out and i said not to worry.Didnt the nursery know what they are?
First one is a perfect candidate for bonsai. Second one is freaky, just call Lt. Ripley
But ****, it was 500 cents!
You can snip those thorns right off. I snip them off on Hawthorns.
Looks like nice material to start eliminating some of those branches....especially where there are several growing from one point at the trunk. Maybe oddly...I'd keep as many of the small diameter to small medium diameter branches and cut off the rest. Seems like there are choices for a new leader midway up the tree. Comments from others will be interesting....and likely much more helpful than my comments.
You might hear...leaves don't reduce. Growth is very coarse. Setting that aside...have fun seeing what you can create.
Said she would find out and i said not to worry.
Would you have freaked out if she came back and said.........the F word!
The first one is perfectly nice.
The other is...the exact opposite!
I love em both!
I'd consider taking the trunk down to that first group of branches. Looks a wicked broom.
Nice score!
Great find. Weird f*cking trees are the best.
My Loch Ness Privet...
01313204 by Jerry Norbury, on Flickr